
Created by Simon Fels and last modified
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Branch information

Simon Fels
Bluez Utilities

Recent revisions

10. By Simon Fels

Fix changelog to work better with citrain

9. By Simon Fels

Prevent citrain from rewriting our version number

8. By Simon Fels

Update changelog

7. By Simon Fels

Drop upstreamed PBAP patch

6. By Simon Fels

Import upstream release 5.36

5. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 5.35+15.04.20151023-0ubuntu1

4. By Simon Fels

* New upstream release.
* Merge with wily to get back in sync
* debian/libbluetooth3.symbols:
  - Update to refelect symbols added in 5.33
* debian/rules:
  - Install additional tools/tests during dh_install which bluez
    doesn't install on its own.
  - Enable ebook support for PBAP
* debian/control:
  - Add dependency to libebook for bluez-obexd
* debian/patches/0001-core-add-startup-option-to-provide-different-configu.patch:
  - On Touch we need a way to configure another configuration file on
    startup than using the one provided with the package
* debian/patches/0002-Import-ebook-support-for-PBAP.patch:
  - Import missing source file from upstream not included in release
* debian/patches/0003-obexd-enable-ebook-backend-conditionally.patch:
  - The ebook based backend for PBAP support was never build until now
    as the build configuration didn't included it
* debian/patches/0004-obexd-plugins-port-ebook-support-to-the-latest-EDS.patch:
  - Sync ebook implementation with the layout of our EDS storage in Ubuntu
* debian/patches/0001-hostname-handle-chassis-type-handset.patch:
  - Extend hostname chassis handling to also respect chassis type handset
* debian/patches/0001-obexd-pbap-add-headers-correctly-for-size-query.patch
  - Fix indefinite loop in PBAP implementation

3. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 4.101+15.04.20150914.2-0ubuntu1

2. By CI Train Bot Account

* debian/rules:
  - Migrate from cdbs to debhelper to make it possible to build our
    packages with the Ubuntu citrain infrastructure.

1. By Simon Fels

Import package bluez_4.101-0ubuntu25.1~overlay4 from stable phone overlay PPA

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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