
Created by Fabien Tassin and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/firefox/3.5
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Mozilla Team
Mozilla Firefox

Recent revisions

517. By Jamie Strandboge

[ Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> ]
* AppArmor profile updates:
  - allow dirname and pwd. Thanks to Thomas Templin. (LP: #510644)
  - allow the IBM jre
  - debian/usr.bin.firefox.apparmor.in: use @LIBDIR@/firefox as binary
    confined by AppArmor

516. By Micah Gersten

(merge lp:~kees/firefox/firefox-3.5.head+lp507744)
[ Kees Cook <email address hidden> ]
* enable PIE build for stronger security (LP: #507744)
  - update debian/rules
  - update debian/control

515. By Alexander Sack

  + drop depends on xulrunner-1.9* packages
    - update debian/control

514. By Alexander Sack

* fix install of browser components
  - update debian/rules

513. By Alexander Sack

  + make firefox-3.5 conflict firefox-3.5-gnome-support as it shipps the gnome
    files directly now
    - update debian/control

512. By Alexander Sack

* implement MIN_SYS_DEPS approach that does not use system xulrunner
  and only a minimal set of system dependencies.
  + drop patches not required anymore:
    - delete debian/patches/dont_depend_on_nspr_sources.patch
    - update debian/patches/series
  + update browser directory provider patch
    - update debian/patches/bz515232_att399338_distro_locale_searchplugins.patch
  + move .install lines that depend on whether MIN_SYS_DEPS is used or not
    to debian/rules in ifneq (,$(MIN_SYS_DEPS)) blocks
    - update debian/rules
    - update debian/firefox-3.5.install
  + ship gnome support .so's inside of the main package, but keep dependencies in
    the (now empty) gnome-support package; to achieve this, we first install
    the gnome support files in the -gnome-support package and move them to the
    main package _after_ shlib depends where generated
    - update debian/rules
  + do not build-depend on xulrunner dev package anymore; local xulrunner builds
    with MIN_SYS_DEPS=0 should still work though
    - update debian/control

511. By Micah Gersten

releasing version 3.5.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu1

510. By Micah Gersten

* New upstream release v3.5.7 (FIREFOX_3_5_7_RELEASE)
  - see USN-878-1

509. By Benjamin Drung

Remove unneeded XB-Xul-Eol

508. By Benjamin Drung

* Add metadata for mozilla-devscripts
  - update debian/control

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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