
Created by Chris Coulson and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.zesty
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Branch information

Mozilla Team
Mozilla Firefox

Recent revisions

1219. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b16_BUILD1)

1218. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b10_BUILD1)
* Avoid direct dependency on libgtk2.0-0 which is required by Flash only
* Drop obsolete Build-Depends on quilt, libgconf2-dev and libgnomeui-dev
* Depend on libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 instead of the GTK+ 2 version

1217. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b7_BUILD1)
* Fix build on ppc64
  - debian/patches/ppc64_moz1416170.patch
* Fix LP: #1733970 - Search suggestions are broken after refreshing the
  Google searchplugin
* Fix a missing token in the user agent string
  - update debian/patches/ubuntu-ua-string-changes.patch
  - update debian/patches/support-coinstallable-trunk-build.patch
  - update debian/build/rules.mk
  - update debian/config/mozconfig.in
* Update patches
  - debian/patches/normalize-distribution-searchplugins.patch

1216. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b4_BUILD1)
* Update disable-geo-specific-search-defaults-for-us.patch to pick up some
  more locales
* Update searchplugins.conf to ignore recently added experimental and hidden
  Amazon and Google search plugins
* Add Urdu localized Amazon search plugin
  - add debian/searchplugins/ur/amazon-in.xml
  - update debian/config/searchplugins.conf
* Don't set distribution.searchplugins.defaultLocale, as this breaks our
  custom searchplugins for non en-US locales
  - update debian/vendor-gre.js
* Drop region-specific custom Google searchplugins, as these aren't needed
  - remove debian/searchplugins/en-GB/google.xml
  - remove debian/searchplugins/en-ZA/google.xml
  - remove debian/searchplugins/ku/google.xml
  - update debian/config/searchplugins.conf
* Refresh Google search plugin
  - update debian/searchplugins/en-US/google.xml
* Refresh Baidu search plugin
  - update debian/searchplugins/zh-CN/baidu.xml
* Refresh Amazon search plugins
  - update debian/searchplugins/de/amazondotcom-de.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/en-GB/amazon-en-GB.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/en-US/amazondotcom.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/fr/amazon-france.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/it/amazon-it.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/ja/amazon-jp.xml
  - update debian/searchplugins/zh-CN/amazondotcn.xml
  - remove unused debian/searchplugins/sq/amazon-en-GB.xml

1215. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b3_BUILD2)
* Adapt to upstream and use ./mach
  - debian/build/rules.mk
* Install EmojiOneMozilla.ttf (LP: #1644021)
  - debian/firefox.install.in
* Update patches
  - debian/patches/allow-lockPref-everywhere.patch
  - debian/patches/revert-upstream-search-engine-changes.patch
* Update revert-upstream-search-engine-changes.patch to ensure we keep the
  region overrides for non-Google plugins
* Update AppArmor profile

1214. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_58_0b2_BUILD1)
* Bump build-dep on rustc >= 1.21.0 and cargo >= 0.22
* Update patches
  - debian/patches/ppc-no-static-sizes.patch
  - debian/patches/unity-menubar.patch
  - debian/patches/allow-lockPref-everywhere.patch
  - debian/patches/revert-upstream-search-engine-changes.patch
  - debian/patches/warn-only-on-duplicates.patch
* Drop upstreamed/obsolete patches
  - debian/patches/build-ppc64-s390x-nss.patch
  - debian/patches/build-ppc64-s390x-rust.patch
* Update make-langpack-xpis target
  - debian/build/rules.mk
* Build language packs based on web extensions
  - debian/build/xpi-id.py
* Bump debhelper compat level to 9
* Drop 12.04/Precise specific changes
* Update copyright and license files
* Install watermark.svg from the onbording extension as symbolic icon
  - debian/build/rules.mk
  - debian/firefox.dirs.in
* mozbuild/shellutil.py: Don't treat '~' character as special
  - debian/patches/dont-treat-tilde-as-special.patch
* Add Nepali language pack
  - update debian/config/locales.all
  - update debian/config/locales.shipped
  - update debian/control
* Don't pass -mfloat-abi=softfp when building webrtc on armhf
  - add debian/patches/webrtc-fix-compiler-flags-for-armhf.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
* Backport some skia fixes to fix a build failure on aarch64 against
  kernel headers that don't define HWCAP_CRC32
  - add debian/patches/skia-fix-aarch64-build-on-older-linux.patch
  - update debian/patches/series
* Refresh and re-enable unity-menubar.patch

1213. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_57_0b14_BUILD1)

1212. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_57_0b12_BUILD2)
* Remote OSProtocolHandlerExists to properly launch custom protocol
  handler (LP: #1725238)
  - debian/patches/moz1382323.patch

1211. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_57_0b9_BUILD1)
* Update patches
  - debian/patches/revert-upstream-search-engine-changes.patch

1210. By Rico Tzschichholz

* New upstream release from the beta channel (FIREFOX_57_0b7_BUILD1)
* Install watermark.svg from the onbording extension as symbolic icon
  - debian/firefox.install.in

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
