
Created by Michael Terry and last modified
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Michael Terry
GNOME Applets

Recent revisions

52. By Michael Terry

* debian/patches/89_fix_dbus_glib_ftbfs.patch:
  - Fix FTBFS due to missing dbus-glib CFLAGS (LP: #649841)

51. By Robert Ancell

* debian/control.in:
  - Remove "linux-any" for now since soyuz doesn't handle it

50. By Robert Ancell

* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/control.in:
  - Build-depends on dh-autoreconf
  - Drop obsolete build-depends on libxklavier-dev
  - Don't build depends on system-tools-backends-dev, libcpufreq-dev
  - Drop build-depends on liboobs-dev (not using 01_battstat_upower.patch)
  - Don't build depends on libgstreamer0.10-dev or
    libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev (mixed applet disabled)
  - Don't build-depend on libupower-glib-dev
    (not using 01_battstat_upower.patch)
  - Add Vcs-Bzr link
  - Pre-depends on dpkg (required for bzip2 packaging)
  - Remove gstreamer0.10-alsa | gstreamer0.10-audiosink depends and
    mixer description from gnome-applets (mixer not built)
  - gnome-applets suggests gnome-netstatus-applet, deskbar-applet and
    cpufrequtils rather than recommends.
  - Remove keyboard layout switcher from package description
  - Remove mixer from package description
* debian/rules:
  - Use autoreconf cdbs rule
  - Don't enable the mixer applet
  - Disable the battery status applet
  - Compress packages with bzip2
* debian/gnome-applets-data.preinst:
  - Clean conffile on upgrades from hardy
* debian/gnome-applets.manpages:
  - Stop shipping manpages, those are not distributed upstream either and the
    binaries are not in the standard path anyway so can't be run by users.
    The current list also doesn't match the applet shipped in lucid and those
    which does document one used have often wrong information
* debian/patches/01_battstat_upower.patch:
  - Dropped, don't build the battery status applet
* debian/patches/09_modemlights_use_new_gst.patch:
* debian/patches/10_network-manager.patch:
  - Dropped, modemlights no longer built
* debian/patches/80_correct_minicommander_install.patch:
  - Don't install the minicommander server when not required.
* debian/patches/81_silent_applet_cleaning:
  - Don't display a dialog about the applet configuration cleaning since
    that's something which should be transparent for the users
* debian/patches/86_deprecate_battstatus.patch:
* debian/patches/87_deprecate_modemlights.patch:
* debian/patches/88_hide_deprecated_mixer.patch:
  - Hide deprecated applets fro the "Add to Panel" dialog
* debian/patches/98_autoreconf.patch:
  - Not required, run autotools on build now
* debian/watch:
  - Watch for unstable versions

49. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 2.30.0-1ubuntu1

48. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 2.30.0-0ubuntu2

47. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

releasing version 2.30.0-0ubuntu1

46. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* New upstream release:
  - gswitchit:
    + Build a null keyboard indicator applet so that it can be properly
      removed from the panel configuration on upgrade.
  - Weather applet:
    + Fix mnemonics for Find Next button (LP: #545825)
    + Fix format security warning (closes bug #610950)
  - Invest applet:
    + Use network-manager to refresh on network connect (LP: #323113)
    + Fix two spelling errors (closes bug #579607)
  - Updated translations

45. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

* removed debian/patches/89_deprecate_gswitchit.patch: upstreamed
* debian/patches/98_autoreconf.patch: refreshed

44. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

debian/patches/89_deprecate_gswitchit.patch: upstreamed

43. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

debian/patches/87_deprecate_modemlights.patch: refreshed

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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