
Merge lp://qastaging/~mterry/mir/unregistered-options into lp://qastaging/~mir-team/mir/trunk

Proposed by Michael Terry
Status: Rejected
Rejected by: Robert Ancell
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~mterry/mir/unregistered-options
Merge into: lp://qastaging/~mir-team/mir/trunk
Diff against target: 12 lines (+2/-1)
1 file modified
src/server/options/program_option.cpp (+2/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~mterry/mir/unregistered-options
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
PS Jenkins bot (community) continuous-integration Approve
Robert Carr (community) Approve
Review via email: mp+188125@code.qastaging.launchpad.net

Commit message

Ignore unknown options instead of aborting.

Description of the change

Ignore unknown options instead of aborting.

This fixes bug 1226227, which is blocking using Mir on the phone because it causes unity8 under autopilot to crash.

Alan G prefers a better long term solution, but seemed open to this as a short term one.

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Revision history for this message
Robert Carr (robertcarr) wrote :

Ok to me!

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

This merge is not required since it was merged into the dev branch and that has been merged into lp:mir

Unmerged revisions

1086. By Michael Terry

Allow unregistered options

1085. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.0.12+13.10.20130926.1-0ubuntu1 (revision 1084 from lp:mir).

Approved by PS Jenkins bot.

1084. By Alexandros Frantzis

tests: Fix compiler warning about maybe-uninitialized struct member

1083. By Kevin DuBois

frontend, config: Mechanism for connecting via a socket pair.
graphics: android: stop nex4 from tearing
gbm: Blank unused connected outputs.
compositor: tidy up configuration logic for initializing bypass flag.
tests: Add tests for Android's InputReader & friends
Bump libmirserver soname and Mir project version.

Approved by kevin gunn, PS Jenkins bot.

1082. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.0.11+13.10.20130924.1-0ubuntu1 (revision 1081 from lp:mir).

Approved by PS Jenkins bot.

1081. By Alan Griffiths

client: Add client side support for connecting via an existing FD.

Approved by Robert Carr, PS Jenkins bot, Robert Ancell.

1080. By Robert Ancell

Add missing directory separator when searching for a config file to parse.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Robert Carr, Alan Griffiths.

1079. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli

remove (unused in the ppa as we have libmirserver3) hack to force depending and building against the exact same version.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot.

1078. By kevin gunn

bump so name for libmirserver reverse depends rebuilds.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Didier Roche, Michael Terry.

1077. By Daniel van Vugt

GBM: Ensure that we don't create scanout buffers if bypass is explicitly
disabled from the environment. (LP: #1227133)
. Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1227133.

Approved by Robert Carr, Alan Griffiths, PS Jenkins bot.

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