
Created by Michael Terry and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mterry/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1.4.0
Only Michael Terry can upload to this branch. If you are Michael Terry please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Michael Terry

Recent revisions

64. By Michael Terry

New upstream release.

63. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release 1,3,4:
  + Stop building libtomboy with *DISABLE_DEPRECATED flags (for now)
  + Translation updates: pl
* New upstream release 1.3.3:
  + Update Print add-in license to LGPL (not GPL)
  + Translation updates: bg, cs, de, el, en_GB, es, et, gl, hu, ja, pt, sr,
    sr@latin, sv, zh_HK, zh_TW

62. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/06_use_ubuntu_sso.patch:
  - Add .config file to do the correct ddlmap'ing
* debian/control:
  - Remove explicit dependency on libsyncdaemon-1.0-1

61. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/control:
  - Add dependency on libsyncdaemon-1.0-1 for the Ubuntu One sync plugin
    (LP: #620640)

60. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/05_add_start_u1_note.patch:
  - Escape single quote on U1 note (LP: #617628)

59. By Rodrigo Moya

* New upstream release 1.3.2
  + Support gtk# >= 2.12.10
  + Escape note titles in rename dialog
  + Allow empty username field
  + Help improvements
  + Improve Tomboy's presentation for Add/Remove programs
  + Do not open search at startup when tray icon is not ready after 2 secs
  + Require .Net framework 3.5
  + Add the missing resource "tomboy-note-clipboard-html.xsl" and clean up
    the msbuild file.
  + Allow (major) upgrades, deny downgrades in Setup
  + Enable proper popup behavior on Windows
  + Export linked notes correctly on Windows
  + Replace obsolete .Log() method calls with .Debug/.Info/.Warn/.Error
  + Fail more gracefully if recent item tracking for the taskbar is disabled
  + Updated translations

58. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/06_use_ubuntu_sso.patch:
  - Add missing code to listen to DBus signals for Ubuntu SSO

57. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/06_use_ubuntu_sso.patch:
  - Add patch to make authentication for Ubuntu One use SSO

56. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/05_add_start_u1_note.patch:
  - Fix note title

55. By Rodrigo Moya

* debian/patches/05_add_start_u1_note.patch:
  - Add patch to have a Ubuntu One information note on new installations
    (LP: #615876)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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