
Created by Michael Vogt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mvo/snappy/snappy-fix-bbb-crash
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Branch information

Michael Vogt

Recent revisions

547. By Michael Vogt

only set currentBootPath, otherBootPath if we have that

546. By Michael Vogt

no mountinfo anymore in the tests

545. By Michael Vogt

decouple partition/bootloader further

544. By Michael Vogt

Fix .mo file install on bzr-buildpackage by mvo approved by mvo,seb128

543. By Michael Vogt

Generate the .mo file in the i18n unittest dynamically. by mvo approved by mvo,seb128

542. By Michael Vogt

Always build the go integration tests to ensure tarmac can do basic checking. by mvo approved by elopio

541. By Michael Vogt

Convert to native debian package and fix the current ftbfs by mvo approved by sergiusens

540. By Leo Arias

Added lint and vet checks for the integration tests.
Fixed the existing errors. by elopio approved by sergiusens

539. By Leo Arias

Added a test that starts from revision -1 and updates to the latest.
Refactored all integration tests to be in different packages depending on their type and requirements. by elopio approved by fgimenez

538. By Sergio Schvezov

Expose store manifest data where relevant local snap queries by sergiusens approved by chipaca

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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