
Created by Michael Hudson-Doyle and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mwhudson/debian-cd/document-xorriso-options
Only Michael Hudson-Doyle can upload to this branch. If you are Michael Hudson-Doyle please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Michael Hudson-Doyle

Recent revisions

2081. By Michael Hudson-Doyle

address review comments

2080. By Michael Hudson-Doyle

expand "make various things unhappy"

2079. By Michael Hudson-Doyle

add lots of comments documenting the mkisofs options for groovy-amd64

2078. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Hopefully unbreak amd64 iso booting

2077. By Ɓukasz Zemczak

focal: DEBVERSION=20.04.1, bionic: DEBVERSION=18.04.5, xenial: DEBVERSION=16.04.7

2075. By Iain Lane

Merge trunk

2074. By Iain Lane

Makefile: Make keyrings from /usr/share/keyrings/ available too

Old versions of ubuntu-keyring shipped keys here. In case of collisions, we
prefer ones from trusted.gpg.d.

2073. By Iain Lane

Makefile: Print when extracting the keyring

Useful for debugging when reading the logs later

2072. By Iain Lane

Makefile: Handle the keyring being present in -security/-updates/-proposed

This is a bit involved, since we need to find the newest one and use that.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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