
Created by Mario Limonciello and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~mythbuntu-dev/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-live-autostart
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Recent revisions

224. By Mario Limonciello

releasing package mythbuntu-live-autostart version 0.76

223. By Mario Limonciello

* Make copies of symlinks and mark them executable to make xfce happier.
* Start initial-setup.sh from mythbuntu-common on first boot when

222. By Mario Limonciello

releasing package mythbuntu-live-autostart version 0.75

221. By Mario Limonciello

Fix dead wiki URL.

220. By Mario Limonciello

* Create symlinks on desktop instead of starting frontend automatically.
  - This is because of a change that we don't have a preconfigured database.

219. By Mario Limonciello

Determine mysql server version dynamically using apt cache (LP:# 1528583)

218. By Mario Limonciello

use mysql 5.7 (LP: #1528583)

217. By Mario Limonciello

releasing package mythbuntu-live-autostart version 0.74

216. By Mario Limonciello

use init script to start/stop mysql instead

215. By Mario Limonciello

releasing package mythbuntu-live-autostart version 0.73

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.