
Created by Colin Watson and last modified
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Ubuntu Seeds

Recent revisions

1258. By Colin Watson

Remove linux-signed-generic from live task. Kernel packages cannot be in tasks because they expand to ABI-versioned packages, and tasks can't be updated post-release. livecd-rootfs >= 2.218 installs this explicitly instead.

1257. By Mario Limonciello

add xfce4-indicator-plugin to fix missing network-manager

1256. By Colin Watson

platform.trusty -> platform.utopic

1255. By Mario Limonciello

add nvidia-331 to pool in addition to nvidia-304

1254. By Mario Limonciello

switch to the noui version of apport and remove jockey

1253. By Colin Watson

platform.saucy -> platform.trusty

1252. By Colin Watson

platform.raring -> platform.saucy

1251. By Mario Limonciello

add secure boot support

1250. By Adam Conrad

Remove linux-headers from the desktop task, the linux-${flavour} packages pull in the correct headers

1249. By Colin Watson

platform.quantal -> platform.raring

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
