- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~network-manager/network-manager/pptp-ubuntu.0.7.1
Branch merges
Related bugs
Related blueprints
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 12. By Alexander Sack
(merge) RELEASE 0.7.1-0ubuntu2 to ubuntu/karmic
* debian/rules:
- Update DEB_DESTDIR to $(CURDIR)/debian/ network- manager- openvpn instead of
$(CURDIR)/debian/ tmp/ so that the files we build actually get installed.
- Fixes LP: #395541
* debian/control:
- Bump standards version to 3.8.2.
* debian/compat: Bump to compat version 5 as version 4 is deprecated.
* debian/network- manager- pptp.preinst:
- Add missing #DEBHELPER# token to maintainer script.
- Add 'exit 0' to end of script for good 'posture'.
- Set the -e flag to ensure that the script's execution is aborted when any
executed command fails.
* debian/copyright: Updated copyright file to meet debian standards. - 11. By Alexander Sack
(merge) RELEASE 0.7.1-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/karmic
* New upstream release 0.7.1 final
* updated build-depends to 0.7.1 final; added Vcs-Bzr line
- update debian/control
* added get-orig-source to generate .orig.tar.gz
- update debian/rules
* removed unused export-upstream- revision statement
- update .bzr-builddeb/default. conf
* run make distclean after autogen.sh in get-orig-source to get a clean tarball
- update rules - 10. By Alexander Sack
RELEASE 0.7.1~rc4.
20090316+ bzr23-0ubuntu3 to ubuntu/jaunty
* backout permission patch which isn't needed as root is already allowed
to do this. The user from LP: #343270 probably had touched some NetworkManager
dbus policy files and hence didn't have the the latest installed. (LP: #364356)
- remove patches/lp343270_ dbus-permission s.patch
* add Vcs-Bzr: header to debian/control - 9. By Alexander Sack
RELEASE 0.7.1~rc4.
20090316+ bzr23-0ubuntu2 to ubuntu/jaunty
* readding changes for 0.7.1~20090213+bzr15-0ubuntu2 upload that wasnt in bzr
- add patches/lp343270_ dbus-permission s.patch
* Add lp343270_dbus-permission s.patch: update dbus permissions so PPTP
works for at-console user again (LP: #343270).
* debian/control: add missing libglade2-dev Build-Dep. - 8. By Alexander Sack
RELEASE 0.7.1~rc4.
20090316+ bzr23-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/jaunty
* new upstream snapshot Mar 16, 2009 aka rev 23 from
http://bzr-playground. gnome.org/ network- manager- pptp/branches/ NETWORKMANAGER_ 0_7/
- update .bzr-builddeb/default. conf
* add new build depends: libglade2-dev
- update control - 6. By Alexander Sack
* bump lower bound for network-manager build-depends to >= 0.7.1~
- update control - 5. By Alexander Sack
* drop upstreamed patches
- delete patches/lp259168_ ppp_nt_ domain_ escaping. patch - 4. By Alexander Sack
* new upstream snapshot Feb 13, 2009 aka rev 15 from
http://bzr-playground. gnome.org/ network- manager- pptp/branches/ NETWORKMANAGER_ 0_7/
- update .bzr-builddeb/default. conf
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 with rich root (needs bzr 1.0)