
Created by Nick Moffitt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~nick-moffitt/charms/precise/mysql/mysql-shopt-is-a-shell-builtin
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Nick Moffitt

Recent revisions

122. By Nick Moffitt

shopt is a shell builtin, and will fail to execute from Python

121. By Marco Ceppi

[hopem] Add support for allowing user to provide an additonal apt source so that packages like ceph (used for rbd volume-backed mysql) can be updated to cloud versions and thus be compatible with the Openstack charms

120. By Charles Butler

Matt Bruzek 2014-04-10 escaping the single quotes for REVOKE REPLICATION SLAVE mysql c...

119. By Charles Butler

Jorge Niedbalski R. 2014-04-11 [config-changed] if not ON, DEMAND , then set the value...
Jorge Niedbalski R. 2014-04-08 - Fix for (LP:#1296736) in order to use a valid val...

118. By James Page

[triball,r=james-page,r=marcoceppi] Set default collation to utf8 by default.

117. By Matt Bruzek <email address hidden>

Fixing idempotency problem with the slave-relation-broken hook.

116. By Marco Ceppi

If ip is an ip then return ip

115. By Charles Butler

[marcoceppi] Remove dependency on charm-helpers-sh

114. By Marco Ceppi

[francois-ctrlaltdel] Fix mysql client invocation command in the doc

113. By Marco Ceppi

[marcoceppi] Better assurances that MySQL will restart

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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