- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~niedbalski/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/neutron-network-variables
Branch merges
- OpenStack Charmers: Pending requested
Diff: 132 lines (+44/-10)4 files modifiedconfig.yaml (+12/-0)
hooks/horizon_contexts.py (+5/-1)
templates/icehouse/local_settings.py (+3/-3)
unit_tests/test_horizon_contexts.py (+24/-6)
Branch information
- Owner:
- Jorge Niedbalski
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 36. By Jorge Niedbalski
Exposes loadbalancer, firewall, and vpn openstack-dashboard panels configuration directives.
network_ lb:
type: boolean
default: False
description: Enable neutron load balancer service panel
neutron_network_ firewall:
type: boolean
default: False
description: Enable neutron firewall service panel
neutron_network_ vpn:
type: boolean
default: False
description: Enable neutron vpn service panel - 35. By Jorge Niedbalski
- Modified unit test neutron firewall,lb,vpn values to False,
- Justification for this is to follow the same directives as devstack,
also enabling this variables by default requires other neutron openstack services to be running. - 34. By Jorge Niedbalski
- Modified this values to False,
- Justification for this is to follow the same directives as devstack,
also enabling this variables by default requires other neutron openstack services to be running. - 31. By Jorge Niedbalski
- Added context/
configuration variables neutron_network_lb, neutron_ network_ firewall, neutron_network_vpn
For enable/disable neutron network panels from the dashboard.-------
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Ran 36 tests in 0.942sOK
- 29. By James Page
r=james- page,t= james-page] Resync helpers to pickup fixes for apt lock races and better block device detection and handling.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)