
Created by Jackson Doak and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/tasksel/ubuntu-gnome
Only Jackson Doak can upload to this branch. If you are Jackson Doak please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Jackson Doak

Recent revisions

83. By Jackson Doak

Add seeds for ubuntu-gnome

82. By Colin Watson

Update Ubuntu tasks from seed, adding ubuntu-touch.

81. By Colin Watson

* Point Ubuntu task update script at raring.
* Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, removing edubuntu-desktop-kde,
  ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-generation, and
  ubuntustudio-recording, and adding ubuntustudio-audio.

80. By Colin Watson

Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, adding ubuntustudio-photography and

79. By Colin Watson

* Cope with "minimal" and "standard" tasks being missing from current apt
  sources, as is the case when attempting to install from media where the
  base system is delivered as a squashfs.
* Point Ubuntu task update script at quantal, and look at kubuntu-active
  seeds rather than kubuntu-mobile.
* Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds.

78. By James Page

Update tomcat-server task to use tomcat7 key inline with seed change.

77. By Colin Watson

* Point Ubuntu task update script at precise.
* Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds; notably, this adds openstack and
  ubuntustudio-dvd-live, and sets ubuntu-usb's Key to inkscape.

76. By Colin Watson

Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, adding ubuntu-usb and ubuntu-usb-live.

75. By Colin Watson

Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, removing eucalyptus-* and
ubuntu-uec-live, and renaming uec to cloud-image.

74. By Colin Watson

Remove netbook tasks, per Loïc Minier.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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