Merge lp://qastaging/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/add-lp-branch-support into lp://qastaging/phablet-tools

Proposed by Nicholas Skaggs
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/add-lp-branch-support
Merge into: lp://qastaging/phablet-tools
Diff against target: 392 lines (+316/-18)
3 files modified (+231/-0)
phablet-click-test-setup (+61/-18) (+24/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~nskaggs/phablet-tools/add-lp-branch-support
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Phablet Team Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Make some tweaks to phablet-click-test-setup to allow an easier workflow for app developers.

Add option to not bootstrap device everytime (we shouldn't need to constantly pull unity8 tests)
Add option to build click app and extract tests to target device for running
Add -c option (same as --click)

Description of the change

Make some tweaks to phablet-click-test-setup to allow an easier workflow for app developers. Desired workflow.

Hack on tests
Push to launchpad
Run tests on device / emulator via
phablet-click-test-setup lp:mybranch
phablet-test-run my_apptest

Add option to not bootstrap device everytime (we shouldn't need to constantly pull unity8 tests)
Add option to build click app and extract tests to target device for running
Add -c option (same as --click)

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239. By Nicholas Skaggs

remove old shell script

Revision history for this message
Nicholas Skaggs (nskaggs) wrote :

Note is a tweaked version of Sergio's script. Need to migrate functionality into

Revision history for this message
Sergio Schvezov (sergiusens) wrote :

Hm, I did this as an intermediate step until we got the debian packaging out of the way and all the path hardcoding was gone, that hasn't happened though; I would much rather have a simple cmake rules (or plain Makefile) instead of this.

This also doesn't work for compiled apps (such as notes, gallery, camera, mediaplayer, etc).

Unmerged revisions

239. By Nicholas Skaggs

remove old shell script

238. By Nicholas Skaggs

removed hacky globals, tweaked variable names

237. By Nicholas Skaggs

streamlined to make program more logical

236. By Nicholas Skaggs

fixed some bugs, hacky, but runs as expected

235. By Nicholas Skaggs

wip commit to move install_from_branch to click-test-setup

234. By Nicholas Skaggs

working version, nice and hacky

233. By Nicholas Skaggs

initial version of installing from an arbitrary lp branch to device

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