
Created by Satyajit Sahoo and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~numix/numix-icon-theme/deb-packaging
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Branch information

Numix Maintainers
Numix icon theme

Recent revisions

10. By Satyajit Sahoo

Correct path in postinst script

9. By Satyajit Sahoo

Bumped version

8. By Satyajit Sahoo

Change package format to native

7. By Satyajit Sahoo

Increased version number

6. By Satyajit Sahoo

Updated according to new repo

5. By George Karavasilev

You betta shape up, 'cause I need a man, and my heart is set on you, you betta understand to my heart I must be true ...

4. By George Karavasilev

Fixed some thing Sataya told me to. If it sets your wallpaper to Olivia Newton-John wearing a black jumpsuit he is to blame. :>

3. By Satyajit Sahoo

Fix debian/install

2. By Satyajit Sahoo

Fixed debian/changelog

1. By Satyajit Sahoo

Initial commit

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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