
Created by Cody A.W. Somerville and last modified

OEM Solutions Group's changes merged up to live-helper 2.x.

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OEM Solutions Release Engineers

Recent revisions

143. By Cody A.W. Somerville

* helpers/binary_manifest:
  - Generate machine readable filesystem.manifest and binary.manifest
    files for both casper and live-initramfs, not just casper.

142. By Cody A.W. Somerville

  . docs/README:
    - Add binary_fssize to execution graph.
  . helpers/binary_disk:
    - The title in .disk/info generated by lh_binary_disk for Ubuntu
      should not contain GNU/Linux.
  . helpers/binary_fssize:
    - Add new helper to generate the filesystem.size file required by
      Ubuntu's ubiquity starting in Ubuntu 10.04.
  . helpers/lbinary_local-packagelists:
    - Don't download packages to install into binary pool that are already
      installed into the chroot.
  . data/debian-cd/maverick/*: Add debian-cd data for maverick.
  . data/debian-cd/lucid/*: Updated debian-cd data for lucid.

141. By Cody A.W. Somerville

* Merge from Debian, remaining changes:
  . data/debian-cd/*:
    - Added debian-cd data directories for Ubuntu releases.
  . debian/control:
    - Update maintainer and VCS fields.
  . functions/defaults.sh:
    - Use LH_MIRROR_CHROOT as default for LH_MIRROR_DEBIAN_INSTALLER instead
  . helpers/binary:
    - Run chroot_{debianchroot,dpkg,sysv-rc} helpers on chroot build
      setup and teardown.
  . helpers/binary_debian-installer:
    - Add support for ubuntu branded directories in netbook images.
    - If LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_URL is already set, use it.
  . helpers/binary_manifest:
    - Change contents and format of manifest file to be just the output of
      'dpkg-query -W' from within the chroot.
    - Name copy of manifest kept outside of the binary image as
      binary.manifest instead of binary.packages.
    - Do not generate packages.txt at all anymore. Instead, use format used
      for packages.txt to create filesystem.manifest.
  . helpers/binary_rootfs:
    - Add support for creating rootfs as ubifs.
  . helpers/binary_syslinux:
    - Replace menu binary name sed hackery with more robust hack.
    - Use relative path to splash and vesamenu.c32 to avoid complications
      when an ISO is converted into a usb image.
      LIVE_INSTALL_KERNEL_PATH, and LIVE_SCREEN_PATH when running in Ubuntu
  . helpers/binary_usb:
    - Add debug message that outputs information about the filesystem.
    - Call our partitions 'OEM_BUILD' instead of 'DEBIAN_LIVE'.
  . helpers/chroot_hacks:
    - Set CASPER_GENERATE_UUID=1 when regenerating initramfs.
  . helpers/chroot_local-hooks:
    - Make copy of config directory available inside chroot while executing
      local chroot hooks.
  . templates/syslinux/*:
    - Do not include help option in menu nor help related config.
    - Use relative path to splash and vesamenu.c32 to avoid complications
      when an ISO is converted into a usb image.
    - Use custom splash.png that has Canonical + Ubuntu logo.

140. By Daniel Baumann

Releasing debian version 2.0~a10-1.

139. By Daniel Baumann

Updating Man function to work with lh as wrapper.

138. By Daniel Baumann

Adding gdb to rescue list.

137. By Daniel Baumann

Correcting spelling typo in previous changelog entry.

136. By Daniel Baumann

Calling Check_defaults twice in lh_config, once when we initialize and once when the modified configuration is written (Closes: #576573).

135. By Daniel Baumann

Removing powerpc condition on gnu-fdisk recommends.

134. By Daniel Baumann

Adding special hack to prevent samhain from initializing.

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