
Created by Alberto Mardegan and last modified
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Branch information

Online Accounts
Online Accounts: Sign-on daemon

Recent revisions

635. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 8.59+17.10.20170606-0ubuntu1

634. By Jeremy BĂ­cha

Recommend signon-ui-x11 instead of transitional signon-ui

633. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 8.59+16.10.20160916-0ubuntu1

632. By CI Train Bot Account

* debian/control, debian/libsignon-qt{1,-dev}.install, debian/rules:
  Don't build Qt4 packages.
* New upstream release
  - Remove Qt4 support
  - Lib: add more defines for SignOnUi password dialog
  - signond: inform SignOnUI when a session finishes
  - signond: add configure option to enable backup
  - signond: minor code simplifications and cleanups
  - plugins: don't use custom proxy implementation on Qt 5.5 and later
  - RemotePluginProcess: don't use a thread for cancel
  - Build: use qmake's DBUS_ADAPTORS to build the backup adaptor
  - Build: support implicit out-of-tree builds
  - Build: enable CI in gitlab
  - Tests: add tst_signond using QtDBusMock
  - Doc: don't build signond documentation
  - Escape quotation marks in ConfigVersion.cmake.in files
* Merge from upstream
  - Tests: fix AuthSession's "invocation of process() from another process"
    test (LP: #1608822)

631. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 8.58+16.04.20151106-0ubuntu1

630. By Alberto Mardegan

Lib: hide debug output by default

Introduce a LIBSIGNON_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable which can be
set to "2" in order to enable debugging output (or to "0" to hide also
warning messages).
 Fixes: #1415492
Approved by: PS Jenkins bot

629. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 8.58+16.04.20151028-0ubuntu1

628. By Alberto Mardegan

New upstream release

- Add a couple of error codes for SignOn UI (network and SSL errors)
- lib: remove unnecessary semicolon after namespace
  Fixes a GCC warning with -Wpedantic.
 Fixes: #1415492
Approved by: PS Jenkins bot

627. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 8.57+15.10.20150616-0ubuntu1

626. By Alberto Mardegan

* Merge from upstream

- lib: reset the DBus proxy when registration failed
- Fix build with Qt 5.5 (LP: #1447175)
 Fixes: #1415492
Approved by: PS Jenkins bot

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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