
Created by Jonathan Thomas and last modified

This branch contains all of the debian build scripts for each OpenShot related package:
1) openshot: Main application
2) openshot-docs: Help manual
3) python-mlt: Python bindings for the MLT framework
The INSTRUCTIONS file contains information on how to use these build scripts.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~openshot.developers/openshot/debian-packages
Members of OpenShot Developers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

OpenShot Developers
OpenShot Video Editor

Recent revisions

11. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jthomasublt33>

Added a watch file to the debian folder, and tested it with uscan. Seems to work great.

10. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Changed the install-lib from usr/share to usr/share/openshot,
which fixes the Lintian error about an egg-info file in the
usr/share folder.

Also, changed the build-depends to be 1 per line.

9. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Fixed the following Debian packaging issues:
Updated the control file to include a better description,
 new standards-version, updated dependencies.

Removed the /openshot/ source from this branch... since
it should be added by renaming and extracting the source
tar.gz file.

Added 2 folders, one for debian and one for my
LaunchPad ppa (which has a different changelog)

8. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Moved python-support and python dependencies to the
Build-Depends: line. Updated the changelog.

7. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jthomasublt33>

added python dependency

6. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Added some new "conflicts" items to the python-mlt package. This is to force
the user to remove previous versions of OpenShot (and the dependencies) that
were installed via the DEB installers.

5. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Updated the debian control description

Update the /openshot/ source code

4. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Updated the openshot-docs package to include section ids
in the XML.

3. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Updated the build scripts to all 3 packages. Added more translations
to the openshot-docs package. Updated version information in the

Prepared the Version 1.0 build scripts for OpenShot.

2. By Jonathan Thomas <jonathan@jonathan64>

Updated version info in changelog

Fixed the Generate_bindings.py to respect the version of Python
that is building the script

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
