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This repository is an import of the Git repository at https://opendev.org/openstack/charm-neutron-openvswitch.git.

Last successful import was .

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Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-0 and finished taking 50 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-5 and finished taking 50 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-4 and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-2 and finished taking 50 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-2 and finished taking 50 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 50 seconds — see the log
Import started on juju-98ee42-prod-launchpad-codeimport-1 and finished taking 40 seconds — see the log


Name Last Modified Last Commit
master 2024-11-15 12:17:47 UTC
Sync/rebuild for Dalmatian/Epoxy updates

Author: James Page
Author Date: 2024-11-15 12:09:44 UTC

Sync/rebuild for Dalmatian/Epoxy updates

Refresh and rebuild charm for awareness of Dalmatian and Epoxy
Cloud Archive releases.

Change-Id: If0c55fa9b730b43f7385eaa3af5ae775bbef470c

stable/2024.1 2024-07-02 09:59:56 UTC
Stable changes for stable/2024.1 (caracal) branch

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2024-04-29 10:16:11 UTC

Stable changes for stable/2024.1 (caracal) branch

This patch converts stable/2024.1 into a stable maintenance branch. It:

- modifies .gitreview to point to stable/2024.1
- switches (test-)requirements*.txt -> (test-)requirements*.in
  for pip-compile usage.
- creates (test-)requirements-py*.txt from *.in using pip-compile for
  the relevant python version.
- Updates bundles to point to ceph/edge and 24.04/edge for ceph and
  OVN charms.
- Adds build.lock file to the reactive charms.
- Syncs charm-helpers for classic charms.
- Locks requirements.txt from requirements.in for ops machine charms.
- Locks charms.openstack, zaza, zaza-openstack-tests, charm-helpers to
  stable branches.

Change-Id: I319e316ff9fdfda46816a2739492b3dc4d1b41c5

stable/2023.2 2023-11-02 18:28:30 UTC
Updates for testing period for 23.10 release

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2023-10-17 17:04:43 UTC

Updates for testing period for 23.10 release

* charm-helpers sync for classic charms
* build.lock file for reactive charms
* ensure tox.ini is from release-tools
* Locked requirements using pip-compile:
  * existing (test-)requirements.txt ->
  * pip-compile to *-py3[8|10].txt using python3.8
    and python3.10.
  * Updated tox.ini to use the appropriate merged
    requirements-*.txt files.
* Removal of lunar from metadata, charmcraft.yaml
  osci.yaml, tests.yaml and associated bundles.
* Locked libs and tests to stable/bobcat branches for:
  * charm-helpers
  * charms.openstack
  * zaza
  * zaza-openstack-tests

Change-Id: I751df028226291a1a8ff340d1f5986313aec711b

stable/yoga 2023-07-18 20:25:43 UTC
Add docs key and point at Discourse

Author: Jadon Naas
Author Date: 2023-07-11 20:16:59 UTC

Add docs key and point at Discourse

Add the 'docs' key and point it at a Discourse topic
previously populated with the charm's README contents.

When the new charm revision is released to the Charmhub,
this Discourse-based content will be displayed there. In
the absense of the this new key, the Charmhub's default
behaviour is to display the value of the charm's
'description' key.

Change-Id: I85703b441023d58dee7fc2918cad2bc32899ae91
(cherry picked from commit 6e5cf7da7f3f5c1c8f98c6af087f16ae779d5381)

stable/2023.1 2023-04-28 11:19:10 UTC
Stable artefacts for stable/2023.1 (antelope)

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2023-04-20 18:04:39 UTC

Stable artefacts for stable/2023.1 (antelope)

This patch is to lock the stable/2023.1 (antelope release) charms
down so that as much as possible.
In particular, this patch does:

- set the .gitreview to stable/2023.1
- lock zaza and zaza-openstack-tests to stable/antelope branches
- for reactive charms Add build.lock files to lock the layers
  and python modules used to build the charm.
- for ops framework charms, extract a pip freeze from the
  charmcraft container after building the charm to lock the
  modules used to build the charm.
- drop the kinetic bundles if the exist. (Note the updates to
  tests.yaml is in another batch (topic: antelope-voting)
- update the bundles so that they point to the antelope specific
  channels. e.g. 2023.1/edge for OpenStack charms, 23.03/edge for
  OVN charms, quincy/edge for Ceph charms and generally, the
  appropriate LTS Jammy branch for the various support charms.

Change-Id: I01d652360714e596d1ae02234d0634a4a81e4c63
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/charm-neutron-openvswitch/+/880101

stable/zed 2023-01-09 18:59:39 UTC
Pin tox to < 4.0.0

Author: Corey Bryant
Author Date: 2022-12-14 18:45:01 UTC

Pin tox to < 4.0.0

Tox 4.0.0 was recently released and it has several breaking changes.
We pin to < 4.0.0 here. We are planning to move forward only on the
master charm branches.

Tox is also pinned to < 4.0.0 for stable branches in upstream
openstack-zuul-jobs as well as in zosci-config. However, the
requires= section in the charm's tox.ini file ends up installing
tox>4, wiping out the zuul-pinned tox<4 that was already installed
installed. This patch fixes that.

Change-Id: Iaeb5344768dd3ef577f48a2dbabcc39bc63d1601

stable/train 2022-09-22 12:04:10 UTC
Charmhub migration for stable/train (bionic-only)

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2022-06-23 10:10:37 UTC

Charmhub migration for stable/train (bionic-only)

This is the main patch for the migration of the stable/21.10
charm to charmhub for the stable/train branch (train track on
charmhub). This patch initially supports bionic from queens
to train, and does not support ussuri. It supports upgrades
from bionic-queens to bionic-train (with each intermediate
step needed). Crucially it does NOT set a default
openstack-origin, which means installing train/stable
without specifying the openstack-origin will result in a
bionic-queens installation. This is intentional as the branch
covers queens to train.

Disable Rockcy deferred restarts tests as the restart causes
connetivity issues due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1990264

Change-Id: Iad93f7e974823e66e14e9bf51dce38a53664c90f

stable/ussuri 2022-08-30 14:31:27 UTC
Merge "Fix QoS selection for SRIOV environments" into stable/ussuri

Author: Zuul
Author Date: 2022-08-30 14:31:27 UTC

Merge "Fix QoS selection for SRIOV environments" into stable/ussuri

stable/victoria 2022-08-29 13:50:56 UTC
Mark ovs-record-hostname as deferable service.

Author: Felipe Reyes
Author Date: 2022-02-08 19:50:42 UTC

Mark ovs-record-hostname as deferable service.

Add ovs-record-hostname to the list of deferrable services, this service
was SRU'ed into Ubuntu >= Focal, when it's not mark as deferrable on
package upgrades will induce a restart of openvswitch-switch.

Change-Id: I4fa3256b39e62e9df223ab40f17f1677a621f293
Closes-Bug: #1923636
Related-Bug: #1915829
(cherry picked from commit f6a9487b05b08e5481d0792d825c98548621e5c0)

stable/wallaby 2022-07-19 03:30:28 UTC
Mark ovs-record-hostname as deferable service.

Author: Felipe Reyes
Author Date: 2022-02-08 19:50:42 UTC

Mark ovs-record-hostname as deferable service.

Add ovs-record-hostname to the list of deferrable services, this service
was SRU'ed into Ubuntu >= Focal, when it's not mark as deferrable on
package upgrades will induce a restart of openvswitch-switch.

Change-Id: I4fa3256b39e62e9df223ab40f17f1677a621f293
Closes-Bug: #1923636
Related-Bug: #1915829
(cherry picked from commit f6a9487b05b08e5481d0792d825c98548621e5c0)

stable/xena 2022-07-11 09:26:51 UTC
Fix invalid tempest pin for 31.0.0

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2022-07-11 09:26:44 UTC

Fix invalid tempest pin for 31.0.0

Change-Id: Ia2a50dc350c07f848f56ed8b95f581303ebd5b55

stable/rocky 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC
Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

Author: Zuul
Author Date: 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC

Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

stable/stein 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC
Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

Author: Zuul
Author Date: 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC

Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

stable/21.10 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC
Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

Author: Zuul
Author Date: 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC

Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

stable/queens 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC
Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

Author: Zuul
Author Date: 2021-10-25 11:05:34 UTC

Merge "Revert "Set explicitly_egress_direct=True for ml2 ovs"" into stable/21.10

stable/21.04 2021-09-14 12:22:16 UTC
Add extension fwaas_v2 based on neutron-api relation data

Author: Hemanth Nakkina
Author Date: 2021-08-31 05:44:43 UTC

Add extension fwaas_v2 based on neutron-api relation data

fwaas_v2 extension is added in l3_agent.ini by default from stein.
However with the newly introduced neutron-api configuration parameter
enable-fwaas, the extension have to added only when it is set to true
on neutron-api charm.

neutron-api charm adds enabled-fwaas as relation data in the commit
This patch removes special handling of fwaas_v2 as l3_extension_plugins
is already updated in relation data based on neutron-api enable-fwaas

Add python3-neutron-fwaas in py3 package list only for rocky release. The
package is already part of dependency of neutron-l3-agent until Ussuri
release and the dependency will be removed from Victoria release in
package control files.

Synced charmhelpers to get related changes

Closes-Bug: #1934129
Change-Id: I1546f45635bfd7af76001c1df4f99d219a9d8039
(cherry picked from commit d3daa09bc49bcc5c66791565e1720a9a484ea149)

stable/21.01 2021-02-10 19:15:18 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation 21.01

Author: Aurelien Lourot
Author Date: 2021-02-10 19:15:07 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation 21.01

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.
Switch tests to stable.
Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.
Switch to using stable charm.openstack branch.
Switch to using stable zaza branch.
Switch to using stable zaza-openstack-tests branch.

Change-Id: Id176d11f7af4ab953860da9b9d805eb2d21b2286

stable/20.10 2020-11-02 10:50:05 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation

Author: Aurelien Lourot
Author Date: 2020-11-02 10:49:55 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.

Switch tests to stable.

Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.

Switch to using stable charm.openstack branch.

Change-Id: I3e1169fa2ce2046712087db6ce2db52a3e530d5c

stable/20.08 2020-08-13 10:36:38 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation

Author: Alex Kavanagh
Author Date: 2020-08-13 10:36:29 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.

Switch tests to stable.

Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.

Switch to using stable charm.openstack branch.

Change-Id: I0519818227ec7746c206ee68b109ce55314611f9

stable/20.05 2020-05-21 16:58:16 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation

Author: David Ames
Author Date: 2020-05-21 16:58:11 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.

Switch tests to stable.

Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.

Switch to using stable charm.openstack branch.

Change-Id: I874c1655321ac82678c31afa6da0441994a3560f

stable/20.02 2020-02-17 15:54:19 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation

Author: Liam Young
Author Date: 2020-02-17 15:54:15 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.

Switch amulet tests to stable.

Switch zaza bundles to stable charms.

Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.

Change-Id: I9fb074f5d13b071933091c8e100526eafa887195

stable/19.10 2020-01-13 15:18:44 UTC
Use hosts official name for FQDN

Author: Frode Nordahl
Author Date: 2020-01-10 09:57:44 UTC

Use hosts official name for FQDN

The current implementations use of a specific interface to build
FQDN from has the undesired side effect of the ``nova-compute`` and
``neutron-openvswitch`` charms ending up with using different
hostnames in some situations. It may also lead to use of a
identifier that is mutable throughout the lifetime of a deployment.

Use of a specific interface was chosen due to ``socket.getfqdn()``
not giving reliable results (https://bugs.python.org/issue5004).

This patch gets the FQDN by mimicking the behaviour of a call to
``hostname -f`` with fallback to shortname on failure.

Add relevant update from c-h.

Change-Id: Ic8f8742261b773484687985aa0a366391cd2737a
Closes-Bug: #1839300
(cherry picked from commit ee709a5ab30f285ecc1dd3ddb998af970f22e17e)

stable/19.07 2019-08-12 16:42:12 UTC
Updates for stable branch creation

Author: David Ames
Author Date: 2019-08-12 16:42:07 UTC

Updates for stable branch creation

Set default branch for git review/gerrit.

Switch amulet tests to stable.

Switch to using stable charm-helpers branch.

Change-Id: Ieac845862e469ad2c26248be2b6c233bf2a85a96

stable/19.04 2019-07-02 08:43:30 UTC
dpdk: misc fixes for EAL initialization

Author: James Page
Author Date: 2019-06-24 09:11:04 UTC

dpdk: misc fixes for EAL initialization

For OpenStack Queens and later instances are setup with vhostuser
ports in server mode, with the OVS side of the port connecting
as a client to the vhostuser socket on disk; as a result we no
longer need to pass permissions information via dpdk-extra (the
two passed options are not valid in later OVS versions).

In addition, we should also whitelist the devices we're going to
use; this ensures that EAL initialization does not take an extended
period of time reducing the amount of time taken to restart OVS.

Change-Id: I224e778de0ed6e279b2de7f4f46781df33121165
Closes-Bug: 1833734
Closes-Bug: 1793729
(cherry picked from commit 3c66c48bbd11922aa4740e752dfdb5e4f35a959d)

stable/18.11 2019-04-19 19:47:46 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:46 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/17.11 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/18.02 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/18.05 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/18.08 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/17.08 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/17.02 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/16.10 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/16.07 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:45 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

stable/16.04 2019-04-19 19:47:44 UTC
OpenDev Migration Patch

Author: OpenDev Sysadmins
Author Date: 2019-04-19 19:47:44 UTC

OpenDev Migration Patch

This commit was bulk generated and pushed by the OpenDev sysadmins
as a part of the Git hosting and code review systems migration
detailed in these mailing list posts:


Attempts have been made to correct repository namespaces and
hostnames based on simple pattern matching, but it's possible some
were updated incorrectly or missed entirely. Please reach out to us
via the contact information listed at https://opendev.org/ with any
questions you may have.

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