
Created by James Page and last modified
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Openstack Ubuntu Testers

Recent revisions

33. By Yolanda Robla

debian/patches/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: updated db section

32. By Chuck Short

releasing version 2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

31. By Chuck Short

releasing version 2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1

30. By Chuck Short

* debian/control: Add msgpack-python.
* debian/rules: Use testr instead of nosetests to run tests.
* debian/ceilometer-collector.install: Added usr/bin/ceilometer-collector-udp.

29. By Chuck Short

debian/control: Add python-testtools

28. By Chuck Short

* New upstream release.
* debian/rules: Add fail-missing if binaries are missing
  from the packages.
* debian/control: Add python-happybase as build-dependencies.
* debian/control: Add python-pbr and python-d2to1 as build-dependencies
* debian/control: Add python-fixtures as build-dependencies.
* debian/control: Add python-nova as build-dependencies.
* debian/patches/requests-dep.patch: Dropped no longer needed.
* debian/patches/remove-hbase-support.patch: Dropped no longer neded.
* debian/patches/default-dbconnection-sqlite.patch: Refreshed.

27. By Chuck Short

releasing version 2013.1-0ubuntu1

26. By Chuck Short

releasing version 2013.1~rc1-0ubuntu1

25. By Chuck Short

Resync with whats in the archive

24. By James Page

[trivial] unfuzz patches

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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