
Created by James Page and last modified
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Openstack Ubuntu Testers

Recent revisions

113. By Adam Gandelman

Add meta-bug ref.

112. By Adam Gandelman

Fix release.

111. By Adam Gandelman

Fix distro release name.

110. By Adam Gandelman

* Resynchronize with stable/folsom (96680c96):
  - [527b5ec] Folsom NEC plugin fails to create a network/port on some version
    of PFC due to too long string LP: 1166077
  - [346aae3] Folsom NEC plugin: Cannot create a tenant on some version of
    OpenFlow controller LP: 1166076
  - [a31069a] Network cannot be created in NEC plugin when OFC network ID is
    unique inside a tenant LP: 1127664
  - [a109f7e] Folsom l3 agent unable to connect to quantum service LP: 1157090
  - [913586b] MyISAM does not perform cascading deletions LP: 1153594
  - [5a2ef81] Openstack quantum, race condition in ip address creation when
    starting 50 VMs on a 5-node cluster LP: 1110807
  - [f94b149] Deleting a subnet that is added to a router leaves behind a port
    that cannot be deleted LP: 1104337
  - [b14824f] Address re-allocation before DHCP lease's expire LP: 1116500
  - [30bb632] file descriptors not closed when executing sub-processes
    LP: 1130735
  - [5d26f41] DHCP agent could take upto a minute to get its IP address
    LP: 1128180
  - [2f32795] dhcp-agent distributes empty domain when dhcp_domain=""
    LP: 1099625
  - [8755cb3] ovs and netns cleanupo utilities do not log LP: 1118517
  - [45baf03] l3_agent destroys all namespaces on init, even if router_id is
    set (LP: #1122206)

109. By James Page

Add bug reference to latest SRU changes

108. By Adam Gandelman

debian/quantum-common.install: Install the quantum-ovs-cleanup script
that was backported to stable/folsom.

107. By Adam Gandelman

debian/patches/fix-ubuntu-tests.patch: Refreshed, added skipTests for
linuxbridge tests that attempt to setup udev monitors.

105. By Adam Gandelman

Update changelog.

104. By Adam Gandelman

Merge 2012.2.1 changes.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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