
Created by Adam Gandelman and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://qastaging/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/neutron/havana-commit-tracking
Members of Openstack Ubuntu Testers can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

Openstack Ubuntu Testers

Recent revisions

299. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [7c1ee05] Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini

298. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [a56a882] DBDuplicateEntry: (IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates
      unique constraint "networkdhcpagentbindings_pkey" LP: 1244757

297. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [a8bba5f] pool.waitall needed in dhcp-agent sync_state LP: 1257514

296. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [88427c8] Updated from global requirements

295. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [f569afd] PLUMgrid Plugin DHCP and gateway IP conflict LP: 1333442

294. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [526412e] [OSSA 2014-025] There is no quota for allowed address pair
      (CVE-2014-3555) LP: 1336207

293. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [92d1dd9] Updated from global requirements

292. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [41cf53c] qpid driver for oslo.messaging uses 'wrong' address for direct
      publisher LP: 1300318

291. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [b4b09a6] OVS agent loop slowdown LP: 1253993

290. By Openstack Ubuntu Testing Bot

OpenStack Ubuntu Testing commit tracking:
    - [be0c1d1] ovs plugin changes port it shouldn't change LP: 1283765

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.