
Created by Christian Ehrhardt  and last modified
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Christian Ehrhardt 

Recent revisions

3712. By Christian Ehrhardt 

mark systemd broken on armhf

In the discussions in LP: #1845337 we realized that since recent
changes [1] to the infrastructure new directories are exposed [2].
Due to that this test is broken on LXD which currently means on armhf.

A following systemd upload could fix the test by adding the
directories to the list of filtered paths, but for mask the
bug as known bad test.

[1]: https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/commit/?id=b8c9165686c7598b3f1a68aa4684e7f382ad935c
[2]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/1845337/comments/10

3711. By Christian Ehrhardt 

Generalize systemd@ppc64 hint

It seems this always jsut gets bumped by everyone [1][2][3][4] which seems
to become just churn without a resolution. To make it worse we recently seem
to have published (security update) which bypasses the check.

In addition to all the bumps needed now other non-related upload get stuck
and need to resolve this like LP: #1840956.

I think we can - and for efficiencey should - give up hope on systemd
autopkgtest on disco for ppc64el and make the hint non-versioned.

[1]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/britney/hints-ubuntu-disco/revision/3700
[2]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/britney/hints-ubuntu-disco/revision/3705
[3]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/britney/hints-ubuntu-disco/revision/3707
[4]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sru/britney/hints-ubuntu-disco/revision/3708
[5]: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/240-6ubuntu5.7

3710. By Steve Langasek

badtest virtualbox-ext-pack

3709. By Łukasz Zemczak

bump the openjdk hint

3708. By Christopher James Halse Rogers <chris@Extravaganza>

Extend systemd/ppc64el badtest to new SRU

3707. By Steve Langasek

badtest systemd/ppc64el

3706. By Łukasz Zemczak

badtest chrony

3705. By Łukasz Zemczak

Bump the systemd ppc64el hint.

3704. By Łukasz Zemczak

badtest why3

3703. By Steve Langasek

bump openjdk-8 hint

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