
Created by Christian Ehrhardt  and last modified
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Christian Ehrhardt 

Recent revisions

4764. By Christian Ehrhardt 

also reset mysql-connector-c++ on arm64/ppc64

This shall later allow to drop the versioned hints.
Since I had a few occasions where just "reset" wasn't enough lets add them
now and drop the versioned hint later on a cleanup run.

4763. By Christian Ehrhardt 

mysql-connector-c++ now working on s390x, drop hint

4762. By Christian Ehrhardt 

mysql-connector-c++ 1.1.12-4ubuntu2 is in focal

1.1.12-4ubuntu2 is in focal and has migrated. Other packges block on
this known bad-test.
The 1.1.12-4ubuntu2 was only a no-change rebuild, nothing changed, so
we need to bump the versions in these hints.

4761. By Stefano Rivera

octave-communications was removed from ppc64el

4760. By Steve Langasek

block shim-signed again

4759. By Steve Langasek

unblock shim-signed

4758. By Steve Langasek

mongo harder

4757. By Steve Langasek

mongodb/i386 handled elsewhere as a perma-fail; and with correct spelling

4756. By Steve Langasek

i386 badtest

4755. By Iain Lane

Update mongo hints to force-reset-test, add i386 back

I'm not sure why i386 was requested since it's not built there in release or

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