
Created by Christian Ehrhardt  and last modified
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Branch information

Christian Ehrhardt 

Recent revisions

4464. By Christian Ehrhardt 

only restrict 1.3-1 of re2c

4463. By Christian Ehrhardt 

re2c failing on autopkgtest infra

The first test since the change to i386-on-amd64 started failing with the
new 1.3-1 upload that got synced from Debian.

According to Bryce testing it actually runs fine in a local i386 try and only
fails in the autopkgtest infrastructure.

Mask this force-badtest on i386 in the "continue to build on i386 but may not
be cross-testable" category.

4462. By Steve Langasek

drop obsolete hint

4461. By Steve Langasek

drop stale hints

4460. By Steve Langasek

drop stale hints

4459. By Steve Langasek

bump various hints

4458. By Steve Langasek

let gobject-introspection through

4457. By Iain Lane

bump livecd-rootfs

4456. By Steve Langasek

badtest postgresql-12/i386

4455. By Steve Langasek

badtest ruby2.7

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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