
Created by Christian Ehrhardt  and last modified
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Christian Ehrhardt 

Recent revisions

4960. By Christian Ehrhardt 

reset the vagrant-libvirt version in -release

4959. By Christian Ehrhardt 

vagrant-libvirt fails as it always has, reset test result

It is time to stop bumping until it gets a recent reasonable result.
I say recent because even groovy's tests refer to a good result of 2017 (and
before - e.g. xenial - it didn't exist).

- https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/v/vagrant-libvirt/bionic/amd64
- https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/v/vagrant-libvirt/focal/amd64
- https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/v/vagrant-libvirt/groovy/amd64
(similar for s390x)

This was over the years bumped over and over, and called "mysterious" in
the override comments. It continues to be that way, for example it recently
failed on s390x for libvirt and vagrant-libvirt, but is only listed to block
the latter which makes no sense either.
Now that we have force-reset-test let us use that to no more re-update to
it every sync from debian bumping the version.

Also while touching it let us move it from the personal adconrad file
to ubuntu-release as this package is not tied to Adam in any special
way AFAIK.

Note: currently blocks it's own transition of v0.1.2-1 and that
of libvirt v6.6.0.

4958. By Andy Whitcroft

kernels: linux-oem-5.6 is no longer copy-forward

Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <email address hidden>

4956. By Łukasz Zemczak

badtest git-buildpackage

4955. By Andy Whitcroft

kernels: linux-{aws,azure,gcp,oracle} are no longer copy-forward

Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <email address hidden>

4954. By Iain Lane

badtest hg-git/i386, it's uninstallable

4952. By Steve Langasek

drop finished hint

4951. By Steve Langasek

force linux-signed

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