
Created by Paride Legovini and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~paride/britney/revert-timeout60
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Branch information

Paride Legovini

Recent revisions

395. By Paride Legovini

Revert r392.1.5: Add timeout to other python3 -c call to stop britney hanging

Apparently 60 seconds are not enough as a timeout for that Launchpad query.

392. By Steve Langasek

fix up autopkgtest arch list for armhf removal

391. By Steve Langasek

DEFAULT_SERIES -> oracular

390. By Łukasz Zemczak

Re-enable update-excuse

389. By Łukasz Zemczak

...revert the change for not using updates, to see if this will help with britney crashing.

388. By Łukasz Zemczak

Temporarily disable excuse_bugs handling due to LP API being unreliable.

387. By Łukasz Zemczak

Temporarily disable the -updates pocket for the devel series in pkg_lists generation.

386. By Steve Langasek

Immediately publish the notest output as part of the notest run, not the main run

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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