Hi, This is a good start and while I have a few comments below, they are all for small changes that won't take long to make and should hopefully make maintaining the code easier. I am completely behind changing as much of the build process into Python so thanks for doing this! Could you run the python through the pep8 tool (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ for what it is checking). You certainly have some lines that are too long and I think some non-standard spacing between classes and functions. The other tool to help reduce the number of style nags you will get is pyflakes (sudo apt-get install pep8 pyflakes). While I think the 80 character line length thing is a pain and being longer would be nice, it is the standard we code to. I will happily buy you a beer and let you complain about it at the next Connect if you want. Took me a few rants to get over! You could try using PyCharm as your Python editor. It provides real time feedback on some pep8 and pyflakes errors as well as doing nice code browsing, auto-completion, debugging and unit test running (among many other features). We have a license. Other comments inline. On 23 April 2012 15:56, Paul Sokolovsky