
Created by Roberto Mier Escandon and last modified
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Ubuntu Phablet Team

Recent revisions

57. By Roberto Mier Escandon

merged trunk

56. By Roberto Mier Escandon

finished implementation

55. By Roberto Mier Escandon

first code

54. By Roberto Mier Escandon

Fixes the problem of having the content as string instead of as data. Both types are indeed taken into account now.

Approved by system-apps-ci-bot, Tiago Salem Herrmann.

53. By Roberto Mier Escandon

Added flags generic type
Added permissions flags for groups in group_manager, so that every plugin has to fill them with the ones the current user has as participant in the group

NOTE: this MR should be landed along with https://code.launchpad.net/~ningbo-team/ningbo/group-own-permissions/+merge/302308.

Approved by system-apps-ci-bot, Tiago Salem Herrmann.

52. By Roberto Mier Escandon

- When cancelling group, do this:
1) remove self handle giving a reason
2) close channel

- Provided an enum of generic reasons for cancelling the group
- Removed not needed on_closed() callback in Chat object.

NOTE: This MRs should be landed along with https://code.launchpad.net/~ningbo-team/ningbo/set-reason-when-cancelling-group/+merge/302508.

Approved by Tiago Salem Herrmann, system-apps-ci-bot.

51. By Roberto Mier Escandon

Defines BaseChannelRolesInterface, needed to set different roles for the group members.
This interface can be plugged to channels
Here is the final specification:


UpdateRoles (a{uu}:ContactRoles) -> nothing

RolesChanged (a{uu}:Added, a{uu}:Removed)

Roles a{uu} (Handle_Roles_Map) Read only
CanUpdateRoles b Read only

Channel_Roles Flags u
Handle_Roles_Map Mapping a{uu}


Approved by Tiago Salem Herrmann, system-apps-ci-bot.

50. By Roberto Mier Escandon

fixed typo in debian/changelog

49. By Roberto Mier Escandon

updated changelog

48. By Roberto Mier Escandon

Included support for remote and local members update.

Approved by system-apps-ci-bot, Gustavo Pichorim Boiko.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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