- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/ubuntu-ui-extras/staging
Branch merges
- Andrew Hayzen (community): Approve
- Jonas G. Drange (community): Approve
Diff: 6506 lines (+3970/-590)46 files modifieddebian/changelog (+67/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Example/PrinterQueue.qml (+0/-117)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Example/Printers.qml (+232/-75)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/CMakeLists.txt (+4/-1)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/backend/backend.cpp (+48/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/backend/backend.h (+13/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/backend/backend_cups.cpp (+225/-44)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/backend/backend_cups.h (+25/-1)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/backend/backend_pdf.cpp (+10/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/devicesearcher.cpp (+70/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/devicesearcher.h (+57/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/ippclient.cpp (+163/-9)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/ippclient.h (+13/-1)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/jobloader.cpp (+50/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/jobloader.h (+47/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/cups/printerloader.cpp (+3/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/enums.h (+23/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/devicemodel.cpp (+149/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/devicemodel.h (+78/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/jobmodel.cpp (+267/-126)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/jobmodel.h (+53/-11)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/printermodel.cpp (+70/-30)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/models/printermodel.h (+13/-4)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/plugin.cpp (+2/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/printer.cpp (+150/-24)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/printer.h (+29/-3)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/printerjob.cpp (+108/-60)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/printerjob.h (+14/-11)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/signalratelimiter.cpp (+28/-6)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printer/signalratelimiter.h (+8/-6)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printers/printers.cpp (+152/-7)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/printers/printers.h (+20/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Extras/Printers/structs.h (+84/-0)
po/ubuntu-ui-extras.pot (+26/-2)
tests/unittests/Printers/CMakeLists.txt (+13/-3)
tests/unittests/Printers/mockbackend.h (+127/-4)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_jobfilter.cpp (+4/-2)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_jobmodel.cpp (+446/-29)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printer.cpp (+96/-0)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printerdevice.cpp (+131/-0)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printerdevicemodel.cpp (+162/-0)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printerfilter.cpp (+30/-0)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printerjob.cpp (+53/-0)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printermodel.cpp (+489/-1)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_printers.cpp (+92/-7)
tests/unittests/Printers/tst_signalratelimiter.cpp (+26/-6)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 135. By Jonas G. Drange
* sets a default printer on provisioning if there is none
- 134. By Andrew Hayzen
* Fix changing of printer not loading defaults and add a test
* Improve colorModel struct to != when name or colorModelType are different - 133. By Andrew Hayzen
* Set m_copies when using updateFrom and add test for updateFrom
- 131. By CI Train Bot Account
* Adds devices as an model on Printers, and re-instates remote printer model on Printers.
* makes sure the backend is refreshed on enable/disable
* If printerAdded is called ensure there is always a proxy printer
corrects thread affinity for printerloaded printers, as well as any qobject children it might have
* Remove PrinterQueue.qml example and add missing job methods to Printers.qml example, so we have only one example
* improves the deviceName by dropping the CMD (note that the full string remains accessible from device.id)
* Connect job-impressions-completed from cups to PrinterJob: :impressionsCom pleted( )
* In the job model listen to printerStateChanged as changes t job-impressions-completed causes that signal
* Improve the PrinterSignalHandler to limit the maximum wait time of unprocessed signals to four times the timeout
* Add unit test for SignalRateLimiter to check it does perform a flush
* Rename PrinterSignalHandler to SignalRateLimiter
* Add a JobLoader for loading a specific jobId for a printer and loading the extended attributes
* Move the loading of creationTime, completedTime, processingTime, size and user to extended attributes as signals don't give us those
* Add method for PrinterBackend for getting a specific job
* Split up JobModel::update so there is jobCreated, jobState and jobCompleted which then call addJob, removeJob and updateJob
* Improve Printer::updateFrom to not call loadAttributes as this results in a possible UI block
* Add missing comparisions for PrinterJob deepCompare and updateFrom
* Change PrinterJob::setPrinter to not call loadDefaults and instead explicitly call it
* Change Printers to trigger requestJobExtendedAttributes which triggers a background thread rather than doing in foreground
* exposes copies attribute on the printer
* includes cups/adminutils.h into which the cups device callback was moved in >= libcups2-dev 2.2.2
* allows browsing on local and remote printers
* Add filters for active, paused and queued
* Add sorting by creationTime and then falling back to id
* Change time related roles in JobModel to return QDateTime, not QString, so sorting doesn't break
* Update tests
* Change printerGetJobAttributes to use printer-uri and job-id (the same as holdJob and releaseJob
* Give printerGetJobAttributes printerName so we can ensure we get the correct job
* adds read/write of the shared property
* adds extended attribute fetching (IppClient::printerGetAttr ibutes)
* refactors attribute retrieval from cups
* implements deviceUri and lastMessage on Printer
* adds Printers.printTestPage
* Add tests for JobModel roles
* Add tests for make and location in Printer
* Fix JobModel color and quality roles to use fallback if no text
* Add tests for all roles in PrinterModel
* Remove PdfRole it is not used (IsPdfRole instead)
* Add holdJob and releaseJob methods to Printers
* Add HeldRole to JobModel
* Add tests for hold and releasing a job
* Update example to show how hold and release work
* Update StateRole to return just the state, not text
* Remove PrinterJob friends and make setters public as they aren't exposed to QML anyway
* adds make and location to printermodel and printer
* Pull of trunk
* Remove use of bitewise or as it fails in CI
* guards against excessive loading of printers and drivers
* adds loadPrinter method on Printers
* drops a lot of code that was not used, and some TODOS/FIXMES that aren't necessary
* Fix/add commented or empty tests
* Implement tests that had QSKIP
* removes empty brackets
* adds cmake extras, required by printer stuff
* Remove remaining fixme's
* Rename UbuntuSettingsComponentsPrinte rsPlugin to UbuntuComponent sExtrasPrinters Plugin
* Remove import Ubuntu.Settings. Components 0.1 from example qml imports
* Rename UbuntuSettingsPrintersQml to UbuntuComponent sExtrasPrinters Qml
* Rename translation domain to ubuntu-ui-extras
* Fix for printsupport being build-depends rather than depends - 128. By Andrew Hayzen
* Add printer-components from ubuntu-
settings- components to ubuntu-ui-extras (original branch https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~phablet- team/ubuntu- settings- components/ printer- components)
* Add plugin module to Extras/Printers
* Add translation support for cpp/h
* Add tests for Printers
* Add debian dependsApproved by: Florian Boucault
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/ubuntu-ui-extras