- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/econsysqtcam
Branch merges
Branch information
Import details
This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/econsysqtcam/qtcam.git.
Last successful import was .
Recent revisions
- 289. By Geethalakshmi B
Bug fixes for SEE3CAM_37CUGM : Green frame issue fix in still capture and Enabled video recording at 640x480 resolution
- 288. By Geethalakshmi B
Handled application crash for 27cug at 640x482 resolution.And green frame issue fix to start preview only after frames are available and for MJPEG format, skipping frames based on the skipFrameCount from qml.
- 287. By Geethalakshmi B
HID changes for cu81, Green frame issue fix in see3cam_160, added new pid for cu83 and Green frame issue fix in cu83 at Ubuntu 20.04
- 286. By Geethalakshmi B
HID Changes in IMX900 and Changes to support see3cam_cu200 and see3cam_130 in Ubuntu 22.04
- 285. By Geethalakshmi B
IMX900 HID changes, Changes to support see3cam_130 in Ubuntu 22.0.4 and integration of new pid for cu83
- 283. By Geethalakshmi B
Cleared the Reference Error in IMX900 and changed copyright year and release date
- 281. By Geethalakshmi B
Changelog for UI Changes in IMX900 and cu31 camera and In cu31,Get call with maskid on MaskId combobox value change
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)