- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~racb/nova/868349
Branch merges
- James Page: Approve
Diff: 250 lines (+49/-46)2 files modifieddebian/changelog (+7/-0)
debian/patches/backport-libvirt-console-pipe.patch (+42/-46)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 219. By Robie Basak
* debian/
patches/ backport- libvirt- console- pipe.patch:
- Patch updated to fix race on instance termination (LP: #868349) - 218. By James Page
* debian/
patches/ backport- libvirt- console- pipe.patch:
- Patch updated to use correct patchset from upstream - incorrect version
was uploaded in -0ubuntu4 (LP: #832507). - 217. By James Page
* debian/
nova-common. postinst:
- Set permissions recursively on /var/lib/nova to nova:nova for new
installations (LP: #865169). - 216. By Chuck Short
* debian/
nova-common. postinst:
- Exclude mounted LXC rootfs filesystems within /var/lib/nova from
user/group ownership changes (LP: #861260).
- Ensure that primary group for 'nova' user is 'nova' so that files
created by this user have the correct group ownership.
* debian/nova-common. postinst: Restrict permissions of /var/log/nova
(LP: #862816)
Enforce snapshot cleanup. (LP: #861582).
* debian/patches/ fix-lp863305- images- permission. patch:
Fix image access control. (LP: #863305) - 212. By Chuck Short
* debian/
patches/ backport- libvirt- console- pipe.patch:
Move console.log to a ringbuffer so that the console.log
keeps filling up. (LP: #832507)
* debian/patches/ backport- lxc-container- console- fix.patch:
Make euca-get-console- output usable for LXC containers.
(LP: #832159)
* debian/patches/ backport- snapshot- cleanup. patch:
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://qastaging/nova/essex