
Created by Robie Basak and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~racb/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/905099
Only Robie Basak can upload to this branch. If you are Robie Basak please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Robie Basak

Recent revisions

8. By Robie Basak

Add missing Breaks/Replaces for kvm-ipxe split in
1.0.0+git-2.149b50-1ubuntu3 (LP: #905099).

7. By Serge Hallyn

* add new binary package, kvm-ipxe. The roms needed by kvm-ipxe are now only
  provided by it, so
  - make ipxe depend on kvm-ipxe.
  - ipxe.links: reverse the links

6. By Ben Howard

* Provide a new binary package, grub-ipxe - for ipxe usage via grub.
  - LP: #814038, Closes #626238

5. By Serge Hallyn

Link Roms into /usr/share/qemu for consumption by

4. By Bastian Blank

New snapshot.

3. By Ben Howard

* debian/patches/remove-linuxprefix-resolve-ftbfs.patch: [Removed
  linuxprefix.S, which was causing infinite loop during compile]
  - LP: #821725

2. By Bastian Blank

Add some missing copyrights and licenses to the copyright files.

1. By Bastian Blank

Import upstream version 1.0.0+git-1.293e34

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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