- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/kmod
Branch information
Import details
This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/kernel/kmod/kmod.git.
Last successful import was .
Recent revisions
- 1889. By Lucas De Marchi
ci: Add 2 more pipelines to the matrix
Test disabling one of the compression libs while dlopen'ing the rest and
handling 1 linked and 2 dlopen'ed.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1888. By Lucas De Marchi
ci: Add configure tests for dlopen
Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1887. By Lucas De Marchi
ci: Fix fail due to existent build dir
The second check is a "should fail" check, but it will fail because the
build dir already exists rather than for the true reason. Use a
different dir for the configure tests and move the `rm` inside the
function.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1886. By Lucas De Marchi
libkmod: Add ELF notes to compression libraries
Follow the new spec for ELF notes as detailed in
https://systemd. io/ELF_ PACKAGE_ METADATA/. We can copy mostly verbatim the macros from systemd codebase.
Example output:
$ meson setup --native-file build-dev.ini -Dxz=disabled -Ddlopen=zlib build
dlopen : zlibfeatures : +ZSTD -XZ +ZLIB +OPENSSL
$ dlopen-notes.py build/libkmod.so.2
# build/libkmod.so.2
"feature": "xz",
"description": "Support for uncompressing xz-compressed modules",
"priority": "recommended",
"soname": [
"liblzma. so.5"
]Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1885. By Lucas De Marchi
meson: Allow to set dlopen option for compression libraries
Add a dlopen option that allows toggling what libraries libkmod should
attempt to dlopen. If -Ddlopen=foo is passed, it means that library is
required to build, regardless of -Dfoo=*. However that library will
only be linked in if it's not set as dlopen.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
[ with disagreement on the need to toggle each one individually,
it'd be better to be all-or-nothing dlopen'ed ]
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1884. By Lucas De Marchi
meson: Let openssl option follow same logic as compression
Keep the logic similar for all libraries. While at it, add a comment
divider for the config output.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1883. By Lucas De Marchi
meson: Simplify compression handling
Move libs to a table, similarly to how other things are handled,
so this logic can be more easily expanded in future for all compression
types.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1882. By Lucas De Marchi
build: Always define ENABLE_* macros
Define either to 0 or 1 so codebase is forced to used `#if ENABLE_*` or
similar. It's confusing to have some leaving undefined and others
defining as 0 or 1.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1881. By Lucas De Marchi
libkmod/zstd: Allow to load libzstd.so on demand
Use dlfcn helpers to load libzstd once it's needed.
Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262 - 1880. By Lucas De Marchi
libkmod/zstd: Do not re-use size_t for ret
size_t is unsigned, while the function returns a negative number.
Instead of using `ret` for the return from ZSTD_decompress(), re-use
dst_size that should be the same as we passed in for that call since
it already checks for ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN and ZSTD_CONTENTSIZ E_ERROR. Even if it's not the same, it's more correct to use that value to
assign to file->size to avoid accessing uninitialized memory.Signed-off-by: Lucas De Marchi <email address hidden>
Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <email address hidden>
Link: https://github. com/kmod- project/ kmod/pull/ 262
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)