Merge lp://qastaging/~robert-ancell/deja-dup/unity-control-center2 into lp://qastaging/deja-dup/30

Proposed by Robert Ancell
Status: Merged
Merge reported by: Michael Terry
Merged at revision: not available
Proposed branch: lp://qastaging/~robert-ancell/deja-dup/unity-control-center2
Merge into: lp://qastaging/deja-dup/30
Diff against target: 306 lines (+162/-16)
12 files modified
CMakeLists.txt (+9/-0)
debian/control (+1/-0)
debian/rules (+1/-0)
deja-dup/preferences/CMakeLists.txt (+7/-12)
deja-dup/preferences/PreferencesPanel.c (+4/-0)
deja-dup/preferences/ (+1/-1)
deja-dup/preferences/gnome-control-center/CMakeLists.txt (+36/-0)
deja-dup/preferences/gnome-control-center/ (+1/-1)
deja-dup/preferences/unity-control-center/CMakeLists.txt (+36/-0)
deja-dup/preferences/unity-control-center/ (+29/-0)
deja-dup/tests/CMakeLists.txt (+7/-2)
deja-dup/tests/deja_dup_autopilot/ (+30/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://qastaging/~robert-ancell/deja-dup/unity-control-center2
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Michael Terry Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

Compile a Unity Control Center panel.

Things to note:
- unity-control-center is now in Universe, with a MIR in process
- This relies on both control center APIs staying the same, but I don't know of any reason why that would change in the future
- I originally just switched to building against u-c-c since g-c-c doesn't support external panels upstream but the Ubuntu GNOME people said they still wanted to keep using this panel in newer GNOME
- deja-dup/preferences/Preferences.vala is converted into C twice since I couldn't work out how both panels could use it without copying. Doesn't seem to be a problem in practise since the conversion is identical

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1519. By Robert Ancell

Show GNOME deja-dup panel in Unity so it's still there during migration

1520. By Robert Ancell

Tag with bug number

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

Merged with some minor changes:
- Typo in new autopilot test (had to change right super() class)
- Dropped the two new directories. I understand why you did that, but I just specified a LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY to stuff the two files in different places.

review: Approve

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