
Created by Robert Carr and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~robertcarr/unity-system-compositor/add-cursor-option
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Branch information

Robert Carr
Unity System Compositor

Recent revisions

128. By Robert Carr

Remove stray n

127. By Robert Carr

Add option to enable hardware cursor

126. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.0.2+14.04.20140317.2-0ubuntu1

125. By kevin gunn

bump to mir0.1.7

124. By Alan Griffiths

Changes for Mir 0.1.7

123. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.0.2+14.04.20140311.2-0ubuntu1

122. By PS Jenkins bot

No change rebuild against Qt 5.2.1.

121. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.0.2+14.04.20140311.1-0ubuntu1

120. By Michael Terry

Make sure that the active session has focus when multiple sessions are opened.

119. By PS Jenkins bot

Add an optional delay when powering off screen.

Add an option (power-off-delay, defaulted to 0) to delay stopping the compositor and powering off the screen to allow the shell to present a shutdown animation; without delay, the shell and-or greeter will get blocked while trying to render such animation; this is due to the compositor stopping as USC receives the power state change before the shell.

This is mostly a workaround as ideally, the greeter and-or shell should coordinate when to shutdown the screen after they are given a chance to possibly show a shutdown animation.

fixes: lp: #1233564 Fixes: 1233564

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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