
Created by Rory McCann and last modified
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Rory McCann
LoCo Team Portal

Recent revisions

7. By Rory McCann

made nicer lat/lon locations display on events

6. By Rory McCann

move the 'register for this event' link to just underneath the 'registered attendees'. otherwise it's hidden away in the header bar. i put it above the list of the current attendees because if there was a large list of attendees, then the register link will be pushed down the page, potentially out of view. i added in a 'log in to register for this event' link if the user isn't logged in to encourage participation

5. By Rory McCann

provisional support for nicer 'organising team(s)' layout. note: since currently only one team is supported, i've removed the (s), but added in commented code that can be used when it's ready

4. By Rory McCann

move 'add comment' to underneath the comments. add a helpful 'login' link if you're not logged in. i had to show the comments 'section' even if there was no comments. showing that there are no comments might encourage interaction amoung users, so i think this is a plus on its own

3. By Rory McCann

Reduce word count, 'location' would suffice here

2. By Rory McCann

Reduce word count, don't need to say that it's a 'event' comments, we know that already

1. By Rory McCann

changed subheadings to be less thena h2

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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