
Created by Sapidlib Developers and last modified
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Sapidlib Developers

Recent revisions

26. By DaelasKai

Modified /lib/adm/daemons/lockdown_d.c to allow a file name to be
entered as a reason message. When it checks what the reason is
for the lock, if the message is a file path and the file exists
it displays the contents of the file.

25. By Cody A.W. Somerville

Fixed bug #179718, made some minor modifications to history_d, and updated copyright year/info.

24. By Cody A.W. Somerville

Manual merge of Tricky's changes + some modifications

23. By Cody A.W. Somerville

  * Merged in branch ~sapidlib-dev/sapidlib/login-tokens
      * Rewrote token parsing in the login object
      * Closes bug #164664 (lp: #164664)

22. By Cody A.W. Somerville

 * Updated license to Open Software License 3.0
 * Started rebranding to Sapidlib

21. By Cody A.W. Somerville

 - Modified install script to discourage people from recompiling the driver.
 - Added readme to etc/scripts/README to describe provided patches.

20. By Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@veracity>

Fixed bug in tell (checking issue) when no argument provided (closes bug #16), ...

 * Add check to tell to notify_fail if no argument is given. It was dying
 horribly if no argument was given because of the sscanf. Closes bug #16
 * Renamed command back.c to bk.c and did some cleaning (removed ^M, ...)

19. By Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@veracity>

Tweaked logging in conference room inheritable.

18. By Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@veracity>

Expanded lpuni cafe area (floor2; conference centre), and fixed bug in which.c

    * Fixed a bug in which.c regarding local actions
    * Expanded lpuni cafe area some more ("conference centre", floor 2)

17. By Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville@veracity>

Rewrote update command, added new simul-efun glob_array, tweaked eval, ...

     * Added security (restricted entry to room) functionality to conference
     * Added ability to remove (kick) players from conference room
     * Fixed bug in look.c - will now capitalize player's names
     * Modified eval.c to default to "return 0;" if no argument given.
     * Recorded update.c - now supports multiple files at once and recursion
     * Moved glob_array from grep.c to simul-efun file file.c

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