Created by
Michał Sawicz
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/add-settings
Members of
SDN Charmers
can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.
Branch merges
Propose for merging
1 branch
proposed for merging into this one.
No branches
dependent on this one.
revision 85
- Michał Sawicz (community): Disapprove
- Billy Olsen: Needs Fixing
- OpenStack Charmers: Pending requested
- Robert Ayres: Pending requested
- James Page: Pending requested
- Corey Bryant: Pending requested
Diff: 589 lines (+279/-16)16 files modifiedhooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/context.py (+9/-0)
hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templating.py (+96/-11)
hooks/horizon_contexts.py (+51/-0)
hooks/horizon_hooks.py (+13/-1)
hooks/horizon_utils.py (+19/-2)
metadata.yaml (+3/-0)
templates/essex/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
templates/folsom/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
templates/grizzly/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
templates/havana/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
templates/icehouse/_{}_juju_{}.py (+2/-0)
templates/icehouse/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
templates/juno/local_settings.py (+2/-0)
unit_tests/test_horizon_contexts.py (+43/-0)
unit_tests/test_horizon_hooks.py (+2/-2)
unit_tests/test_horizon_utils.py (+29/-0)
Branch information
- Owner:
- SDN Charmers
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)