
Created by Harald Wartig and last modified
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Harald Wartig

Recent revisions

34. By Harald Wartig

edit "run" command: don't try to run binary if build was unsuccessful

33. By Harald Wartig

removed edit_run; edit now opens .run file too; commands are started in background so they don't block the terminal

32. By Harald Wartig

change "run" command: added support for help and enabled passing of commandline args created binary

31. By Harald Wartig

change "edit_run" command: added support of help operation

30. By Harald Wartig

change "design" command: it now also supports the help operation

29. By Harald Wartig

change of "edit" command: it now uses $VISUAL or $EDITOR and support help operation

28. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Fixed that funny bug where quickly design didnt work. My bad for that :)

27. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

whoops forgot to save the changes to edit so it doesnt open with xdg-open

26. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

removed the xdg-open because it doesnt take multiple arguments. Added a python directory but its not really a python directory its just the name it gets changed to the libs dir for the project.

25. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

switched to xdg-open instead of gedit so it opens the prefered editor instead of gedit

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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