
Created by Shane Fagan and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~shanepatrickfagan/quickly/Quickly-vala
Only Shane Fagan can upload to this branch. If you are Shane Fagan please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Shane Fagan

Recent revisions

30. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Another merge from Harry Wartig thanks :)

29. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Harry Wartig's fixes to the template.

28. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Fixed that funny bug where quickly design didnt work. My bad for that :)

27. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

whoops forgot to save the changes to edit so it doesnt open with xdg-open

26. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

removed the xdg-open because it doesnt take multiple arguments. Added a python directory but its not really a python directory its just the name it gets changed to the libs dir for the project.

25. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

switched to xdg-open instead of gedit so it opens the prefered editor instead of gedit

24. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Did some changes I forget :)

23. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Did some changes to make the template easier and more flexible

22. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

removed the import of the edit command from the quickly python project since I have my own edit

21. By Shane Fagan <email address hidden>

Added an edit_run command I know the name sucks so suggestions welcome to fix it
With edit run it opens the .run sh file to add bindings and libraries you are using.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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