
Created by Łukasz Zemczak and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~sil2100/dbus-cpp/no_change_rebuild
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Branch information

Łukasz Zemczak

Recent revisions

51. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 2.0.0+14.04.20140322-0ubuntu1

50. By Thomas Voß

Do not build-dep explicitly on specific g++ version for ppc64-el.

49. By PS Jenkins bot

Resync trunk

48. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 2.0.0+14.04.20140310-0ubuntu1

47. By PS Jenkins bot

Update symbols

46. By Thomas Voß

Add a test for racyness and provide an alternative to _and_block.

45. By Łukasz Zemczak

Bump the soname, change the soname versioning

44. By Łukasz Zemczak

Try to create symbols files for each architecture, not caring for too much redundancy. It's really hard to maintain those otherwise.

43. By Pete Woods

Mark symbols that only appear when built under Jenkins as optional.

Approved by Antti Kaijanmäki, Pete Woods, PS Jenkins bot.

42. By Thomas Voß

Small adjustments to the symbols file.

Approved by Pete Woods, PS Jenkins bot.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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