
Created by Łukasz Zemczak and last modified
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Łukasz Zemczak
Ubuntu Seeds

Recent revisions

310. By Łukasz Zemczak

As per Steve's proposition, we can simply remove the libboost dep altogether as it's being pulled in by scopes deps.

309. By Łukasz Zemczak

Try not to depend on an explicit boost version in sdk-libs-dev as there are no reasons to do so. This will unblock a few packages and make main boost transitions a bit less painful (seeds won't require bumping with each release).

308. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Update from libboost1.55-dev to libboost1.58-dev for the G++5 ABI transition.

307. By Steve Langasek

Update from libjsoncpp0 to libjsoncpp0v5 for the G++5 ABI transition.

306. By Oliver Grawert

merge lp:~kyrofa/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily_add_unity-scope-snappy to add unity-scope-snappy to desktop seed

304. By Ken VanDine

Add telepathy-ofono-ril-mc-plugin to touch

303. By Iain Lane

ubuntu-application-api2-examples → ubuntu-application-api3-examples, renamed in platform-api

302. By Michael Vogt

desktop: system-image-snappy-cli -> system-image-cli

301. By Sebastien Bacher

Don't use cloud-init on desktop-next, it's not working correctly there

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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