
Created by Paul Sladen and last modified
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bzr branch lp://qastaging/~sladen/ubuntu-artwork/ubuntu-mono-lp-865013
Only Paul Sladen can upload to this branch. If you are Paul Sladen please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Paul Sladen

Recent revisions

51. By Paul Sladen

* debian/ubuntu-artwork.gschema.override:
  - monospace-font-name 'Ubuntu Mono 12' (LP: #865013)

50. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 53.9

49. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 53.8

48. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 53.7

47. By Robert Ancell

* debian/ubuntu-artwork.gschema.override:
* debian/gconf-defaults:
* debian/install:
  - Move Empathy gconf defaults to gsettings (LP: #620733)

46. By Kenneth Wimer <kwwii@clive>

Changing logo to fix bug of using white on black fixes LP: #561617

45. By Kenneth Wimer <kwwii@clive>

Changing logo to fix bug of using white on black

44. By James Schriver

* Update debian/gconf-defaults

43. By Kenneth Wimer <kwwii@clive>

* Updating screensaver and distributor-logo to current version
* Adding screensaver from human theme
* Change tooltip from string to bool, add two panel stretch keys
* Change default cursor theme to White-DMZ to match the theme index so the
  correct theme is selected in the capplet
* debian/install: don't install the distributor logo it's in the icon theme
* Upload new theme settings to lucid
[ Kenneth Wimer ]
* Adding correct dependencies

42. By Kenneth Wimer <kwwii@clive>

* Adding screensaver from human theme
* Removing human-theme dependency and adding light-themes

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
