- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://qastaging/~smoser/ubuntu/xenial/curtin/pkg-sru-r437
Branch merges
- Ryan Harper (community): Approve
- Scott Moser: Pending requested
Diff: 1365 lines (+661/-168)24 files modifiedcurtin/block/__init__.py (+1/-1)
curtin/commands/apt_config.py (+16/-6)
curtin/commands/block_meta.py (+1/-2)
curtin/commands/curthooks.py (+28/-1)
curtin/deps/__init__.py (+11/-2)
curtin/util.py (+15/-6)
debian/changelog (+20/-0)
debian/new-upstream-snapshot (+47/-3)
examples/tests/centos_basic.yaml (+13/-0)
examples/tests/mirrorboot-msdos-partition.yaml (+82/-0)
helpers/list-flash-kernel-packages (+13/-0)
tests/unittests/test_apt_source.py (+1/-0)
tests/unittests/test_block.py (+2/-0)
tests/unittests/test_curthooks.py (+134/-0)
tests/vmtests/__init__.py (+83/-102)
tests/vmtests/helpers.py (+20/-8)
tests/vmtests/image_sync.py (+31/-17)
tests/vmtests/releases.py (+38/-10)
tests/vmtests/test_apt_config_cmd.py (+4/-0)
tests/vmtests/test_centos_basic.py (+42/-0)
tests/vmtests/test_mdadm_bcache.py (+39/-0)
tests/vmtests/test_raid5_bcache.py (+2/-1)
tools/vmtest-sync-images (+15/-6)
tools/xkvm (+3/-3)
Related bugs
Bug #1640519: arm64 xenial maas images don't include u-boot-tools package | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #1641661: curtin fails to partition software raid md0 | Medium | Fix Released |
Bug #1645680: apt feature broken on >=Yakkety due to new gpg agent | Medium | Fix Released |
Related blueprints
Branch information
- Owner:
- Scott Moser
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 59. By Scott Moser
* debian/
new-upstream- snapshot: change to not use bzr merge-upstream.
* New upstream snapshot.
- revert: Test Workaround: skip XenialTestNvme for a short time.
- Test Workaround: skip XenialTestNvme for a short time.
- pep8: fix pep8 errors found with 'make pep8' on zesty.
- Workaround failures caused by gpg2 daemons left running in chroot.
(LP: #1645680)
- Install u-boot-tools when running on a system with u-boot. (LP: #1640519)
- block: fix partition kname for raid devices (LP: #1641661)
- Fix up tox errors that slipped in and new pycodestyle 2.1.0 complaints.
- vmtests: adjust vmtest image sync metadata filenames
- vmtests: Add centos support
- Disable WilyTestRaid5Bcache vmtest
- tools/xkvm: fix --netdev=<bridge>
- bytes2human: fix for values larger than 32 bit int on 32 bit python2. - 55. By Ryan Harper
* New upstream snapshot.
- unittest,tox.ini: catch and fix issue with trusty-level mock of open
- block/mdadm: add option to ignore mdadm_assemble errors (LP: #1618429)
- curtin/doc: overhaul curtin documentation for readthedocs.org (LP: #1351085)
- curtin.util: re-add support for RunInChroot (LP: #1617375)
- curtin/net: overhaul of eni rendering to handle mixed ipv4/ipv6 configs
- curtin.block: refactor clear_holders logic into block.clear_holders and cli cmd
- curtin.apply_net should exit non-zero upon exception. (LP: #1615780)
- apt: fix bug in disable_suites if sources.list line is blank.
- vmtests: disable Wily in vmtests
- Fix the unittests for test_apt_source.
- get CURTIN_VMTEST_ PARALLEL shown correctly in jenkins-runner output
- fix vmtest check_file_strippedline to strip lines before comparing
- fix whitespace damage in tests/vmtests/__init_ _.py
- fix dpkg-reconfigure when debconf_selections was provided. (LP: #1609614)
- fix apt tests on non-intel arch
- Add apt features to curtin. (LP: #1574113)
- vmtest: easier use of parallel and controlling timeouts
- mkfs.vfat: add force flag for formating whole disks (LP: #1597923)
- block.mkfs: fix sectorsize flag (LP: #1597522)
- block_meta: cleanup use of sys_block_path and handle cciss knames (LP: #1562249)
- block.get_blockdev_ sector_ size: handle _lsblock multi result return (LP: #1598310)
- util: add target (chroot) support to subp, add target_path helper.
- block_meta: fallback to parted if blkid does not produce output (LP: #1524031)
- commands.block_wipe: correct default wipe mode to 'superblock'
- tox.ini: run coverage normally rather than separately
- move uefi boot knowledge from launch and vmtest to xkvm - 50. By Ryan Harper
* sru current curtin
- curtin/net: fix inet value for subnets, don't add interface attributes
to alias (LP: #1588547)
- improve net-meta network configuration (LP: #1592149)
- reporting: set webhook handler level to DEBUG, no filtering (LP: #1590846)
- tests/vmtests: add yakkety, remove vivid
- curtin/net: use post-up for interface alias, resolve 120 second time out
on Trusty when using interface aliases
- vmtest: provide info on images used
- fix multipath configuration and add multipath tests (LP: #1551937)
- tools/launch and tools/xkvm: whitespace cleanup and bash -x
- tools/launch: boot by root=LABEL=cloudimg- rootfs
- Initial vmtest power8 support and TestSimple test.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)