
Created by Elliot Murphy and last modified
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Elliot Murphy
Review Board

Recent revisions

660. By Elliot Murphy

Imported djblets from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/ApprovalApplication
Upstream source uses svn:external, and bazaar doesn't support that.

659. By trowbrds

Use djblets.util.test, and fix docstrings for e-mail tests so they'll be used as the test titles

658. By trowbrds

Add target="_blank" to the bug tracker links in the main template. Bug 108.

657. By chipx86

Very small cleanup.

656. By chipx86

Protect against erased thumbnails causing IOErrors in the thumbnail tag. We just return ""

655. By chipx86

Added a Screenshot.thumb(), which outputs the HTML needed for displaying a screenshort thurmbnail. We can now call this directly from the templates. Also made it display in the admin interface.

654. By trowbrds

Some cleanup

653. By chipx86

Added support for displaying interdiffs (diffs between revisions of diffs). This allows users to see what's changed between two versions of a diff.
This is not complete. Comments don't yet work (I'll be working on a change to how comments are stored which will allow them to work in interdiffs later). There's also some things that could use some cleaning up (faster logic in one spot, possibly hide unchanged files in the diff view). Due to this, I didn't expose any UI. It's still useful to look at, though.
Reviewed at http://reviews.review-board.org/r/53/

652. By trowbrds

Patch from Alan Falloon to fix a a problem with some perforce diffs he had. Bug 96.

651. By trowbrds

If the comment dialog was previously visible when opening it on a line, hide it
before showing it again with a new animation target. This makes it look better,
and it behaves a lot better if you had left it open but scrolled it off-screen.
Bug 41.

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