Please add a docstring to InitialiseDistroSeries, perhaps based on the docstring for the original initialiseFromParent().
The module docstring of scripts/ftpmaster-tools/ misses a tail dot.
I think the name InitialiseDistroSeries is a bit confusing (but the same applied to initialiseFromParent) as it suggests to me that it takes care of doing all of the initialization of the DistroSeries, not just the Soyuzy bits. I don't have any good suggestions, perhaps something like SetupDistroSeriesPackaging ?
Please add a docstring to InitialiseDistr oSeries, perhaps based on the docstring for the original initialiseFromP arent() .
The module docstring of scripts/ ftpmaster- tools/initialis e-from- parent. py misses a tail dot.
I think the name InitialiseDistr oSeries is a bit confusing (but the same applied to initialiseFromP arent) as it suggests to me that it takes care of doing all of the initialization of the DistroSeries, not just the Soyuzy bits. I don't have any good suggestions, perhaps something like SetupDistroSeri esPackaging ?