
Created by Tong Sun on 2021-06-06 and last modified on 2024-08-11


For emacs-traditional, emacs' traditional flavor. i.e., the original X11-Motif look and feel, with no bell and whistles entangled.

- Do you frown upon the 800+ Megs of disk space the installed Emacs takes?
- Do you know that with the gigantic list of libraries that Emacs depends on, your Emacs is capable to be used as a picture-viewer, and music-player?
- Do you hate the Windows-like GTK-scrollbar and wish to use back the precise-locating xterm's one?

Check out more on what emacs-traditional can offer at

This recipe will build emacs from its latest stable version, out of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-elisp/emacs/+git/master
It is adapted from the Official Ubuntu Emacs Daily Snapshot Recipe at

Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built daily
Tong Sun
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
The Cave of Monte Cristo
Distribution series:

Recipe contents

# git-build-recipe format 0.4 deb-version {debupstream}-{latest-tag}-{time}
lp:~ubuntu-elisp/emacs/+git/master emacs-29
merge packaging lp:~suntong001/+git/emacs-traditional