
Created by Tong Sun on 2024-08-10 and last modified on 2024-08-11


Debian build for shc

Recipe information

Build schedule: (?)
Built on request
Tong Sun
Base source:
Debian version:
Daily build archive:
The Cave of Monte Cristo
Distribution series:

Latest builds

Status When complete Distribution series Archive
[FULLYBUILT] Successful build buildlog (15.2 KiB) Jammy The Cave of Monte Cristo
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3-1~ubuntu22.04.1 buildlog (23.5 KiB) amd64
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3-1~ubuntu22.04.1 buildlog (23.5 KiB) arm64
[FULLYBUILT] Successful build buildlog (16.5 KiB) Noble The Cave of Monte Cristo
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3-1~ubuntu24.04.1 buildlog (25.8 KiB) amd64
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3-1~ubuntu24.04.1 buildlog (25.8 KiB) arm64
[MANUALDEPWAIT] Could not build because of missing dependencies buildlog (8.8 KiB) Focal The Cave of Monte Cristo
[FULLYBUILT] Successful build buildlog (15.1 KiB) Jammy The Cave of Monte Cristo
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3~ubuntu22.04.1 buildlog (23.3 KiB) amd64
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3~ubuntu22.04.1 buildlog (23.3 KiB) arm64
[FULLYBUILT] Successful build buildlog (16.5 KiB) Noble The Cave of Monte Cristo
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3~ubuntu24.04.1 buildlog (25.6 KiB) amd64
[FULLYBUILT] shc - 4.0.3~ubuntu24.04.1 buildlog (25.7 KiB) arm64

Recipe contents

# git-build-recipe format 0.4 deb-version {debversion}
lp:~suntong001/shc-bld/+git/master debian/master